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 Buzzing sensation
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310 Posts

Posted - 09/02/2013 :  09:22:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Since a couple of days I have a buzzing sensation in the area of my achilles. It has a steady frequency of 1,5s buzzing and 1,5s pause. I am not really worried but I wonder what it is, a blood vessel or an excited nerve?


United Kingdom
173 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2013 :  12:37:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I lived with the mad buzzing sensation for about 4 years solid during my health anxiety waxed and waned but was there more often than not. It effected so many different parts of my body it was bonkers...for a while it was even in my nether regions so to speak which was startling to say the least.

Sometimes it would be a buzzing sensation and other times it would also be like the sensation of feeling your blood pumping through a vein...almost like when you hold a hose. I still occasional get little flare ups but they no longer bother me in the least.

I'm totally convinced that this sensation is a physical aspect of anxiety and is nothing more than a heightened nervous system coupled with the individuals fixation and subsequent amplification of it.

If you check out any anxiety board/forum you will see that this is incredibly common symptom and is often unfortunately a gateway into health anxiety as people wrongly convince themselves that the symptom is synomous with MS or ALS which it isn't in any way shape or form.

What I can categorically say is that for me it totally went when I stopped worrying and fixating on it and it only returns briefly in times of stress...those exact same traits that TMS seems to adhere to.

Wake me up with your amphetamine blast
Take me by the collar and throw me out into the world
Rock me gently & send me dreaming of something tender
I was brought here to pay homage to the beat surrender

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310 Posts

Posted - 09/03/2013 :  16:00:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
you described it perfectly...
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