I've been having some lower back pain. but before this I've been having trouble for months if i lay on my left side. the muscle on the outside of my left thigh seems really tight an causes pain to lie on that side. well now i can move a certain way and get a pain I've never felt in my life. i can only describe as burning ripping stinging pain just around under the hip boneand goes downward maybe 6 inches. it only happens when that area is stretched. Its very close to the skin and as a matter of fact i can just stretch the skin with my hand and case the pain. its by far the worst pain iv eever felt. I've been having some low back pain lately especially if im bending over under hood of car working. any ideas what it may be? please forgive my typos im on my phone
Maybe the it-band or the tensor fascia latae, I've pain there for weeks now, too. Don't know the exact author who mentioned it in The Divided Mind, maybe Dr. S. himself, but the area around the hip and the outsides of the upper thighs seem to be very common places for TMS and very tender (and the cause for a very common misdiagnosis called iliotibial band syndrome, often diagnosed in runners and nothing but very, very tensed muscles)
Thanks for the reply. i recently found that exact muscles. very possible that's the ones causing the pain. i can make the pain happen by turning certain ways stretching that area and it causes the worst pain I've ever felt but goes away after the area is no longer stretched. i used to get sciatic pain down the other leg and this pain makes sciatica feel like a bee sting. well im gonna treat it as tms. although i may have very well overextended something. i was throwing large wood logs the other a week or so ago and one day i did a full sprint chasing a guy that run thru my yard running from the police and i rarely run and there was no time to stretch of course lol. thanks again for the reply