Hi am newbie, suffered with back pain 20 plus years had fusion year ago and although helped still had pain have become really interested in dr sarno and tms read his book discribed me and so many things about my life I successfully reduced the pain by 90% then last week as has happen on and off thoughout the last 20 years I stumbled on a loose paving stone and felt like I had put my back out I ended up giving in and going to the osteopath who did the click and immediately I had relief and now have no pain again. But feel a complete failure I gave in to the fear I really panicked and am frightened this will happen again I really need some advice and help as to what happened and how I can get over this cause I know when I trip again the same thing will happen its ok while the pain is good now but I know as soon as it starts I will want to go to the osteopath I was feeling so confident before this and feel I let myself down.
The fact that you went to an osteopath indicates that you really never fully accepted the TMS diagnosis. If you did, then the thought of treating the pain physically would not have entered your mind.
We're all human, and old habits are hard to break. If you are still committed to TMS then you need to continue to do the work. You need to get to the point where you do not attribute the pain to a structural cause. The fact that you will fear that you will "trip" and "put your back out" indicates you have not fully accepted TMS. I suggest you re-read Dr. Sarno's book and stop beating yourself up. That is part of the syndrome too.