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4 Posts |
Posted - 08/15/2007 : 05:46:25
Hi everyone,
You've probably heard it all so I'll skip to where I am with this TMS stuff.
I came across Dr. Sarno's work about 1 month ago. I ordered Healing Back Pain and The Mindbody Prescription. I also downloaded Dr. Sarno's Healing Back Pain and The Divided Mind mp3 to my iPod from I've read both books and have listened to the others about 3 times. I also ordered, received and watched his video set 3 times. Yeah, I'm compulsive. Oh well.
What led me to all this was a good twenty years of chronic pain, mostly neck and shoulder, but heaping helpings of lower back pain and other fun stuff tossed in whenever the big boys took a vacation. How many times over the years did I sigh, "Man, it's always somethin'."
The biggest culprit was what I came to refer to as 'the hatchet'. Time and time again I'd get a searing pain across the left side of my back from the trapezes to the spine. Numerous 'pinched nerves' and restricted rotation of my head.
But, if it wasn't that, it was something else. Then about a year and half ago my shoulders went nutso. They burned like crazy, were extremely sensitive to the touch, and after a couple of weeks when the worst of the pain faded, they froze up. I attribute this to having overdone it on the push-ups and this stomach wheel I often used. "Guess I did one too many," I concluded. I figured I 'tore something'.
It didn't occur to me then that I had been doing these exercises for years and they never had that affect on my shoulders.
Anyway, to the best of my ability I began to put into effect the stuff Dr. Sarno teaches. I also began a 'pain journal,' and began digging. It didn't take long before I began to unearth all sorts of brow-arching artifacts. The excavation continued, and more and more was revealed. It hasn't been pretty. But, darn interesting! Everyday I brush away more dust and, surprise!
As I said, it's been almost a month. I've noticed improvement. I haven't had 'the hatchet' and the lower back is hanging in there. I'm back up to about 50 consecutive push-ups from zero (I thought I'd never be able to do even ten again). Feeling emboldened, I took up running again. It was something I had given up many years ago on account of pain. It went well for a week. I worked up to 20 minutes, and then wham-o, the right knee starts aching like crazy and says, "Where you think you're going, pal?" Creep.
That's where I am now. I attribute the knee pain to TMS. My memory of that pain goes way, way back in time, but it hadn't flared up in a number of years. Until now.
I've experienced the phenomenon of the dancing pain. It's almost comical how it jumps around. I'm getting better at ignoring it. I find myself talking to it. Mocking or cursing it, is probably more accurate. "You again. Bugger off, punk." Or, "I know your game. Ya big, fat liar. Let it go." And yes, at times I launch a few 'F-bombs' at it.
I've also gotten into the habit of referring to my unconscious, or Id, whatever, as the "delinquent pygmy". Just seemed to fit.
So, there you have it.
Any advice is welcome. I try to remind myself to be patient and not rush things. Yes, like many of you, no doubt, I saw myself on most every page of Dr. Sarno's personality profiles.
Thanks for listening and good luck to everyone out there.
Benjamin |
Czech Republic
2048 Posts |
Posted - 08/15/2007 : 06:19:50
Seems to me that you are on the right track and are not in need of much advice.
******* Sarno-ize it! Read chapter 4 of Dr. Sarno's "The Divided Mind." It's all you need to know in order to recover. |
182 Posts |
Posted - 08/15/2007 : 06:49:43
I concur with Shawn. Keep doing what you are doing. And don't put a time limit on how long this should take. weeks, months - it doesn't matter. You're on the right track....keep going.
Dan |
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