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268 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2007 :  21:34:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Ok, so i took a long road trip over the last 3 days and went backpacking in the mountains, took some great photos (im a serious amateur) and refused to let any AOS symptoms derail me. I went 3 days with a 90% reduction in symptoms. I didnt think psychological, journal, or do anything related to TMS treatment; just did what i enjoy doing. Now that im back at home/work, symtoms have returned (fortunately not yet fully). Would love to be able to access whatever i had the last three days. I know my job and house are sources of stress, but think they're probably pretty minor compared to the core anger, self-esteem, etc issues that started in childhood. So, not sure what to make of this break. Any ideas??


182 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2007 :  21:39:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I definitely have places where my symptoms were more challenging to eliminate. My home office for example. Sitting down in the chair always triggered pain when I got up. Despite being pretty good on vacation, the symptoms got worse when I got back home and back to work. I swam, snorkeled, jumped off boats without any major difficulties.

Back home, I couldn't sit for 10 minutes without it hurting in a major way when I stood back up. It took another 3 weeks of TMS work and journaling to get past it to the point where that programmed response of expecting the pain stopped.

Classic TMS - keep working at it and you'll get through it.

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268 Posts

Posted - 08/14/2007 :  21:44:41  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Wow, barely let the ink dry, Dan!

So, are you saying that since i 'expected' the symptoms to return, they did?? That might make sense, except i had no real expectations when i left--in fact, i was afraid the symptoms might ruin my trip--but i felt good despite that.

Edited by - stanfr on 08/14/2007 21:46:13
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391 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2007 :  01:23:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Don't know if this would be true for you, but my experience has been that the deep issues from the past often tie into current stresses that look fairly minor on the surface, so that those minor events seem to be triggering the repressed emotions to flare up in the unconscious mind. For example, my old abandonment issues from childhood were obviously triggered when I went through a divorce from my previous husband, but there are fairly minor things that occur in my life now that seem to trigger that sense of being abandoned all over again, even though on the surface it seems totally illogical to react so strongly to such a minor event. But I don't automatically recognize my reaction for what it is, I may just feel it as generic "stress" and I have to kind of search for the connection to the bigger issue. Perhaps it would be helpful to look at how the job and house stress might be echoing past feelings.
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182 Posts

Posted - 08/15/2007 :  06:52:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Well, you said it yourself. Your house and job are a source of stress. It makes perfect sense to me how you felt fine during your time away only to find the symptoms return when you got back.

Focus your journaling on the stresses at home and on the job - perhaps you can find something there to get you past it.

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