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1516 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2007 :  10:46:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It's amazing that even when something positive happens, the TMS gremlin can take charge...I have a myriad of physical pains going on right now and I am trying to uncover the true causes...I am still dealing with the same 'bad' stress I was several weeks ago, the same internal conflicts and catch 22's in life...But now, finally...something very positive has occured in my art career...and the pain has increased!

A local magazine is featuring me on their cover along with an article inside about my art! I have to chose Only ONE of my paintings to be shown in the article...I am asking everyone I can to give me their opinions, because as it turns out a major airline carrier is going to have this issue I am in within their seat pockets the entire month of June, for all flights going from JFK to Vegas!!The exposure is the pressure to chose the right painting is intense! For any of you who enjoyed my work when I posted about it awhile back..please give me your opinions as to which piece you think I should chose...I am sort of taking a poll everywhere...

I won't post my website here again because I don't want to upset anyone or break a rule...But, there was a previous posting entitled "tightness in skull" wherein the address is mentioned...Also, in my profile here I have listed my website address...There are several new pieces and a total of 53 paintings to chose from..It's overwhelming to me and the stress...even "Good" stress can obviously turn into more TMS!
Hope to hear from some of you!
God bless and hugs,


Czech Republic
2048 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2007 :  11:20:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I kind of like these three:

Sarno-ize it!
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1903 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2007 :  12:14:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think it was Shakespeare who wrote "There is nothing good nor bad but thinking makes it so..."

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209 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2007 :  14:01:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Karen :)

I liked:

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Czech Republic
2048 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2007 :  15:52:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Speaking of Shakespeare, I just got done watching and reading along his play "The Tempest." Not my favorite, but it is for a class I am taking. Julius Ceaser is my favorite....

Sarno-ize it!
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sonora sky

181 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2007 :  17:38:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My votes would be for:

1. Purple Fog
2. Prehistoric Wetlands
3. Cosmic Swim
3. African Rain Dance

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1516 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2007 :  21:58:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you soooo much Shawn, sonora sky, nbd and art! I love you guys for taking the time to give me your opinions! It means alot to me...So far in the polls, Crimson Meadows is winning overall...I still haven't decided...Sure wish they would let me put in two, but I cannot...BTW, Prehistoric Wetlands has the interest of a builder in town...He may (I am praying!) use it in all the bathroom units of twin condos that are going up! Woo hoo that would be great...Now if all the pain in my body would just quit it, I would be thrilled...It will, just gotta keep doing the work...I haven't had time to journal, all I do is paint these days...
Big hugs and Blessings!
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666 Posts

Posted - 03/24/2007 :  23:49:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I particularly like your Surrealism category; specifically, "Birds in Flight", "Lotus Gold", and "Cosmic Swim". In other categories, "Configuration of Hearts" and "Galactic Overlay".
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374 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  02:07:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Congratulations, Karen.

I love:-

Prehistoric Wetlands
One Summer Day
African Rain Dance

Also - every one of your Surrealism collection. It's great!

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1903 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  09:01:48  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
OK, I'll volunteer for guinea pig grinch on this topic. You know I love ya Karen, but this bothers me. It strikes me as a not very good use of the TMS forum because it seems mainly a device for getting attention. I'm a writer and like most creative people I know, generally have quite strong preferences when it comes to my own work. I know what's good and I know what sucks and I don't generally require other people to tell me...

Since this doesn't seem to be bothering anyone else, I'm more than willing to concede that the problem is mine.

I'll submit for discussion the usual rogues gallery of nasty personal qualities of mine that might lead me to see motives that might very well not exist...jealousy, insecurity, general personal nastiness etc etc....I've got 'em all to one degree or another...

Open to all comments...

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1516 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  09:28:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
AnneG and wrldtrv,
Thank you sooo much for your input, it means alot to me as this is a very difficult decision! It also inspires me to create more of what many of you seem to enjoy! Part of the joy of painting is knowing that it will bring inspiration or beauty to others..:)) I have many different styles and I am in the process of trying to stick to one or two...Some say being eclectic is good, but others say it might be better for me to focus more...In any case, I do so appreciate your taking the time!!
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Hugs and God bless,

Hi Art,
Love ya too, but I will not engage in even an ounce of negativity over something so positive in my life right now...I feel no quilt whatsoever in this case and no need to defend my position...Of course I have my favorites, but..this whole magazine article is for the Public..and so I thought getting a vote on what people generally feel drawn too would be a good idea...And, although this is a TMS forum..we have all made some friends on here...There is nothing wrong with sharing something JOYFUL and POSITIVE once in awhile...This sort of sharing could even be a GOOD DISTRACTION from the pain...Oh well, I said I wasn;t going to defend myself and I did...But, the good news is that I didn't allow it to steal my joy...
Hugs and God bless,
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596 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  10:11:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think I agree with the Prehistoric Wetlands consensus that seems to be showing here. But I have an apparently not-so-common attraction to Day at the Beach...though it probably wouldn't fit the bill as it's mixed media. I guess I'm kind of a texture person (life, food, art).

I actually think a democratic approach is appropriate to picking for this kind of thing, since in an article for a local magazine you are really going for the masses. Artistically speaking, I, for instance, am a true example of the masses. :)
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1516 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  11:07:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Alexis,
Thanks very much for your input! Yes it does seem like Prehistoric Wetlands is at the top of the list! It is one of my favorites that I have ever done, so that works out...It's even better in person because the painting continues on the side too, gallery wrap...Right now it's a toss up between that one, Crimson Meadows and Bouquet which is on my business card...I am keeping a tab on the votes and will probably go with the most popular one...
Hugs and God bless!
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1516 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  11:10:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote Alexis,
Forgot to mention...Two of my closest friends love Day at the Beach too...But they had the advantage of seeing it very large..I was able to email it to them directly...The website has templates and limitations on how large a photo can be...When you see it larger there are pennies and all kinds of shells that you cannot see from the pic...I think if it was larger on the website it might get picked more..It's a fun painting..and how I love the beach! Especially being out here in the desert again!
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1903 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  12:25:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
And, although this is a TMS forum..we have all made some friends on here...There is nothing wrong with sharing something JOYFUL and POSITIVE once in awhile...This sort of sharing could even be a GOOD DISTRACTION from the pain...Oh well, I said I wasn;t going to defend myself and I did...But, the good news is that I didn't allow it to steal my joy...

Ok, well, at the risk of stealing more joy, here's my problem with it...Certainly, there's nothing wrong with sharing something joyful and positive if you want...however...and this as I've had a chance to think about it is the crux of the matter for me..(I underline the me in this case because it's clear that not only is this not bothering people, they're having fun participating) strikes me as essentially selfish...all about one person, which in this case is you. Again, there's nothing wrong with this particularly, but it does feel to me there's a better, higher use of forum space.

Now I'll grant you that not evry thread needs to be about pain, and certainly there are many threads that are not about pain or even TMS, for example some things that TT has posted recently...They have nothing to do with TMS or pain..But here's the essential difference in my view...They have nothing to do with TT either, they're simply interesting posts put up with the intention of entertaining or engaging people..IN that sense, they're put up with essentially the opposite intent in that they don't take, they give..

Again, I'm very open to hearing how I'm completely misconstruing this situation in a particularly caddish and nasty way...I honestly have no wish to rain on your parade or steal your joy Karen and that's the honest truth...In fact, this is not a particularly easy thing for me to write for that reason, but something about this felt important and since no one else was moved to say anything, I thought it might as well be me...


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596 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  12:34:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I think this kind gets back to the old question about dividing up the forum space. If there is ever one day a space on the forum called "chatting" or something this won't be an issue. Since we don't have such divisions everything with different intent is just going to be all mixed together. Different people have different ideas of what the forum is (support, proselytizing, scientific debate, sharing success stories, socializing...). Right now I think we have to accept that it's all mixed together and just ignore the bits we aren't interested in.

Of course, once there are different topic sub-forums we can all argue about whether posts are in the right sub-forum. :)
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1903 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  12:54:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

What you say makes good sense of course, and I'm all for free speech. In the real world, we all do just what you say which is to read the stuff we're interested in and ignore that which we're not..

I responded to this post in the way I did not because I don't think Karen has the right to put up threads in any way she wants (bearing in mind Dave is the ultimate judge and jury), but because it struck me as an opportunity to have a useful discussion, whether from the point of view that you're talking about, or even as a means for me to try to understand my own reaction..I have to wonder why I found myself reacting so strongly to this particular post...
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Czech Republic
2048 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  13:20:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
what are you really angry at Art?

Sarno-ize it!
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209 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  13:34:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
You know, I have found myself angry at similar situations before, and the answer to shawnsmith's question for me was that 'I am angry because I'm not brave/carefree(I can't pinpoint what is the right word) to put something like this up there about myself. And I feel jealous when somebody else is secure enough to, and they get nice responses. I feel like if only I could say these things about myslef, everybody would see what great qualities I also have.'

I think some of it stems from my insecurities in my abilities. As a kid, I heard lots of praise about my cousins from my aunts and uncles, but my parents, being more modest, never praised me in the same way to them. I definitely have a sense of loss about that.

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1903 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  14:48:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Shawn wrote: "what are you really angry at Art?"

Answering as honestly as I can, angry is the wrong word in this situation. More uncomfortable. I'm not calling Karen a narcissist, please be clear about that, but I was raised by a narcissistic mother and have two extremely narcissistic brothers and behavior that strikes me as selfish, even benignly so, often elicits a rather strong reaction from me...

But I'm not an innocent party either. As is often the case when we dislike a certain quality when we think we see it in others, I have certain narcissistic tendencies myself..Though I fight them mightily and also have an awful lot of empathy...more than my share I would say

Back to Karin's post, it almost feels to me on some level (and perhaps this is more of the "n" word on my part)that I need to point things out that others might have missed...This is an ongoing reaction from me in many areas, the sense that I've got a good read on things and people in general and see things that other people might not...

Of course, there's always the chance that I'm utterly delusional and not seeing anything at all...That's actually another issue for me (so many issues once we start digging!)...When I was growing up, my perceptions and claims were often discounted, and discounted contemptuously, by my parents...And yet I was certain I knew what I was talking about most of the time, and would find my parents' defensive reactions quite painful

Edit: I want to clarify something...That I don't think there's anything "wrong" with Karen's post in any real sense..And I don't want to give the impression I think she's a selfish or narcissistic person becaese I don't..She's a beautiful woman with a capacity for a kind of loving approach to life that puts me to shame...

I simply had a kind of gut reaction to her post, and thought it worth looking into a bit...

Edited by - art on 03/25/2007 15:55:49
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1516 Posts

Posted - 03/25/2007 :  21:41:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
WOW...Holy Cow...I am almost speechless after reading these posts from you, Art...I mean, I thought we always had a good rapport, we even wrote via regular email for awhile there...I must admit that I feel hurt and a bit shocked by your over analysis and judgements of me...Selfish or narcissistic are two adjectives I have NEVER been called in my life, even covertly...Most people refer to me as kind, empathetic and loving, almost to a fault...

I see that in your last post you came around a bit and gave me a compliment...but the 'damage,' so to speak, had already been done....I really feel this was an OVER-REACTION on your part, to say the least...You turned an innocent and fun thread into a debate, and I feel it was truly uncalled for...

Thank you ndb, Shawn, and Alexis for coming to my aid...And, again...thank you to all the lovely people who gave me their opinions...I value them highly...This was not a silly or useless thread that I started..This is a pretty major thing in my career...AND...if you recal, I also mentioned that I was having ALOT of physical symptoms related to this positive stress! Now that I read what Art had to say, chances are those pains will probably increase...
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