Bazz, I read that entire thing on emotions. A lot of it is very true. I have no idea about what choming essences are of if they help us get to the root of emotions. Interesting to read.
Guys, I have an excellent tool I've just started using to experience my blocked emotions.......and let me tell you IT WORKS!!!! I've been feeling anger and sadness, I did heaps of it lastnight and I feel much better today. It's called KarmaYoga. I got it out of a book called "Absolute Happiness"
I recommend you get started asap, as in today. It really is a truly very strange thing, to sit there and focus on twerling my thumbs around each other ( interlock fingers, and move thumbs around each other) and focus on it and you will experience emotion. Read up on it and do it. I highly highly recommend it.