Hi again everyone. I just have a quick question about journaling. A few years ago I tried to start a journal but gave that up -writing or typing is just too slow to capture all the thoughts as they rush through your head. It was frustrating. So this time I've started to journal using a digital voice recorder and I thought I would see if anyone had had success with this method, or if you really need to write things down...
It seems to me that talking is a much more natural way to express emotions. And on playback it will be valuable to have the voice component since hearing yourself speak is pretty powerful... I thought about using a WebCam is well.
I thought I could combine this with image streaming-start just describing emotions and pictures as they come up.
When I was a child I would record (voice)myself singing, reading stories, talking to my cats and various things. I loved it. I continued with singing into a cassette tape in order to be able to play it back and hear where I was going wrong and when I where I was going right. Then I could hear the progression of my progress. So in this respect I think it would be great. Just make sure you have a back up for it if you really want to keep these thoughts.
Not sure about the webcam idea though. Course then again I hate seeing and having taken pictures of myself. I love taking pictures just not being in them, nor on camera. Odd for someone who majored in communications with an emphasis in media arts huh? LOL