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2 Posts |
Posted - 11/23/2016 : 20:20:35
After suffering terribly with back pain for 5 years and seeking help from dozens of professionals, pills, braces, etc I finally healed after spending time on the mind-body concept pioneered by Dr Sarno. I had further assistance from some amazing people like Steve Ozanich and Dr. David Schecter- both of whom have great books and resources out there to further solidify your belief in the TMS condition and both are available for consultations on Skype or phone. To heal you must first FULLY believe that you are dealing with a condition that doesn't require any drug or surgery or treatment. You will heal yourself. It wasn't a straight or easy path to recovery and my symptoms changed around quite a bit. Back pain, pins and needles type pain, dead eye pain, neck pain, twitching muscles, back spasms, irritable bowel, etc.. but I kept at it and now have my life back. Stop searching for other "possible causes". Treat the pain like a passing train. Don't label it. Don't think "bad or negative" thoughts about it. Give it a neutral response. I told myself, "there's a feeling. It may be bad or it may be good. I don't really care". Amazingly the painful feelings began to fade away as the power they held over me for so long were now suddenly powerless. The video I made is posted on Ozanich's Wall of Victory. I hope it helps those of you who are still stuck in the process.
Billy Peterson |
23 Posts |
Posted - 11/29/2016 : 14:24:10
Did you ever get an mri? If so what did it show? I'm having a hard time finding someone that is going through what I'm going through but your story seems close. I've been to many doctors, many chiros, thought I had lyme, fibro, rheumatoid, and many other things. I've been checked out and cleared of these things. I've been applying the tms stuff for about 8 months with SOME success just not where I want to be. This stuff is tough for me...
AW. |
2 Posts |
Posted - 01/14/2017 : 20:04:35
I did have several MRI's and the back specialists showed me various "trouble spots" such as hairline fractures, wedging of the discs, abnormal cartilage etc..At first I focused 100% on these physical "issues" but after learning about TMS and deciding that was the logical answer I put my efforts into doing that work. I suggest you read a book written by Dr Dr. Scott Brady. It covers all of the necessary things people need to do in order to heal. #1, you need to believe it and throw away all of the "crutches" or things you have been relying on as if your pain is physical. It's not, and nothing is wrong with you- no matter what the various Doctors and experts have told you. Make up your mind that these well meaning Doctors don't know the first thing about your problem and they are not going to rid you of pain. YOu do it all by yourself with the help of those who have been through it already. The numbers don't lie. Literally millions of people have figured it out and have healed 100% from all sorts of frightening pain and other body conditions. You will heal but it takes the right mindset. It took me quite a while because I kept circling back to another "physical" answer. Trying out something new I saw on TV or meeting with another specialist. All this did was delay my recovery. TRust in this even when your mind dials up the pain even worse for a few days. It knows your on to something so it tries to trick you into believing you have a structural problem. Think about your underlying emotions- the one's you don't want anyone to know about. Think about what irritates you, frustrates you, causes anger, fear, shame. Talk to someone about these feelings every day. It's the secret to you healing. Good luck and don't turn back. You are right on the brink of being pain free. Tell your subconscious that you are much stronger than it.
Billy Peterson |
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