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26 Posts |
Posted - 04/27/2006 : 11:41:53
I just wanted to let people on this forum know that I have found Sarno very effective for relief of GERD symptoms. Rather than backaches, gastritis and heartburn have been my problems for years. Just like a backache sufferer, I went through all the various remedies...over the years the symptoms have changed and moved and the drugs I would try have been stronger...
I assumed it was partly stress aggravating my "bad stomach" and would use yoga and exercise to help, and I tried diet modification...but looking back it was TMS that was the root...recently I was under some stress and did my usual routine of diet, exercise and yoga, but it kept getting worse...I tried drugs for a while and felt worse...I was about to go to the doctor out of desperation, who would then recommend tests and very strong drugs...I also for a while thought about having surgery to "fix" my muscle at the base of the esophagus to reduce heartburn...(this is the newest thing)...but then I pulled out Sarno and reread it and everything is better now.
Counter to the rules, weeks after feeling awful I can now drink alcohol and eat big meals, etc etc and the symptoms stay away, as long as I adhere to Sarno. What this tells me is that thousamds of GERD sufferers are trying all kinds of bogus methods (drugs, rigid diets) to stop their pain and are actually sicker because the stomach has to do more damage to produce symptoms. I wish I could articulate this better, but it is really remarkable how the treatment works by repudiating the structural diagnosis. I suspect that if people with no GERD symptoms were analyzed with endoscopy, they would show similar problems as GERD sufferers. The drug companies are laughing all the way to the bank.
So, if you have friends/family with longterm GERD, tell them about Sarno. The stakes can be high, since advanced GERD is more dangerous than backpain, but they may be able to get off the treadmill.
283 Posts |
Posted - 04/27/2006 : 12:28:25
I have had two ulcers over the years and have been diagnosed with reflux and hiatus hernia . I also have been diagnosed with fibro, and was told by a specialist that fibro was the cause of the stomach problems, still there are times when the stomach pain is worst than the upper back pain and vise versa, I was also told that when the upper back is sore to the touch, it is stricly muscular and not stomach related,my chiropractor says that is not so yet you say that you do not have backaches which seems to validate my doctor's theory. It looks like tms is really doing a number on me, any feedback would be appreciated, none of the meds have ever made much of a difference, including the most potent, it seems to have a mind of it's own as it sometimes goes away for months and then comes back with a vengence, probably when the backache alone is not getting my for thought....Miche
3 Posts |
Posted - 04/28/2006 : 06:38:31
Miche, I also have been suffering from GERD and upper back pain and yes they seem to both come with a vengence at times then one or the other, then I can go weeks without either one bothering me. Your post made me think back to the first doc I went to with the back pain and he said it was caused by the GERD. He was not my regular doc so I didn't really trust his opinion. My regular doc said muscular, I carry my stress in my upper kidding, and gave me the name of her massage therapist. When I went to the chiro he didn't make any connection of course and said the back pain was caused by one tiny bone spur. I have also at times found relief from yoga, as a matter of fact, yoga and re-reading Sarno's books are usually the only thing that will break me out of the cycle. Just wanted to share my experiences. |
26 Posts |
Posted - 04/28/2006 : 07:49:33
I have experienced upper back pain (burning between the shoulder blades at the spine) during GERD flare-ups, which I (falsely?) attributed to irritation of my esophagus being severe enough that it was hurting from the back...the GERD literature makes this symptom sound ominous and also warns that you may have GERD with few/no symptoms, so you'd better get on the drugs and stay on them for long periods to make sure that your esophagus is completely healed...the pain, fear of more pain/cancer, drug regime and diet /lifestyle changes work all seem to me to be distractions...the sad thing is that the drugs are quite expensive and can make people sicker over the long haul, and the diet is restrictive (no alcohol, dairy, chocolate) when those are unproven factors. As an aside, a recent study raised doubts that alcohol is really a bad thing for ulcers/gastritis, etc. Salt was found to be a problem. Milk, of course, has jumped off and on the bad food list for years. This all tells me the docs are grasping at straws and to give TMS a try with GERD. If anyone wondered, I am taking no meds at present and have no symptoms. A month ago with drugs I felt awful. Then I dropped the meds and did lots of Sarno work...meditation/journaling. Thank you for this excellent forum. |
316 Posts |
Posted - 04/28/2006 : 12:44:21
When my doctors were stumped because they didn't know what was wrong with me they did an endoscopy and found gastritis, hiatal hernia, type 2 esopagitis and edema of the pylorus. I went to my brothers doctor who does alot of TMS stuff but treats it diffrently and he looked at the pictures of my stomach and said Your other doctors are lieing about you having all these things for insurance purposes. Drink coffee eat Italian food your stomach isnt your problem it is the muscles in your back that are but they should not be causing this pain. Since then I have been doing much better with a few days each month that are bad but only for an hour or so. |
New Zealand
198 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2006 : 01:33:30
Just in case you're new here sometimes we tag people's success stories with a special tag of SuccessStory so that people can do a search on successes easily.
Tunza (glad to read this post as I have wondered if my indigestion problems from restaurant meals - even small ones - are TMS) |
4 Posts |
Posted - 04/29/2006 : 07:24:22
Whitris, i have suffered with laryngeal reflux for years and have been debating on and off for several months whether to seek a gastro doc, reflux meds, etc... or whether the reflux is just another psychosomatic which case pursuing medical treatment would be counterproductive. Having been severely debilitated with shoudler pain, and having 90% cured myself by reading Mindbody Prescription and watching Sarno's video, I'm HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS that the reflux is a strategy of the unconscious mind to focus my attention on the body. So far I'm resisting the temptation to make a doctor appt; instead I'm immersing myself in Dr. Sarno's teachings... Randy Roanoke, VA |
2 Posts |
Posted - 12/22/2016 : 23:16:03
Hi Whitris. Are you still on this forum? |
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