I will be conducting a free workshop on how you can turn your daily stresses and annoyances as well as worries, fears, and anxieties into excitement and energy in 3 easy steps.
This is the core strategy that I created for my "Exciting Problem Solving" workshop and it can help you
STOP TMS in its tracks Prevent stress and tension accumulate and cause you back and neck pain Become more confident and feel in control under stress Have more energy going through stressful situations instead of feeling drained Broaden your vision so that you can see more possibilities Think more clearly and come up with better solutions Interconnect thoughts and ideas for better response to the stressful situation Learn, grow, and become stronger under stress Be present and deal with the task at hand instead of focusing on the past or worrying about the future Make better decisions so that you make fewer mistakes and have fewer regrets
Workshop details: 1. LOCATION: This workshop requires active participation during the call. So participant must be in a location free of distraction, ready to take notes, and get excited! 2. HOW: Via conference call. When you register you will receive information on how to join the conference call. If you live outside the US, you can call a local number and connect to the conference call. https://www.uberconference.com/international 3. WHEN: Saturday, December 5, 9-10 am PST 4. FEE: Free 5. SPACE: Only 25 spaces available.
To register please go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/turn-stress-into-energy-and-excitement-in-3-easy-steps-tickets-19565864026
Fred Amir www.rapidrecovery.net