I've barely been on the board for quite awhile (a good thing). It used to be part of my therapy to be on here daily. In 2014 I've been shocked by an unexpected return of my shoulder pain, and now TMJ type head pain. My crisis years for those symptoms were 1994-1996 and 2000-2004. I thought I was done with them, having dealt with them successfully using Sarno's approach. They never happened together...but now they are for the first time.
I don't know what the catalyst was other than what I thought was an ear infection in December and turned out not to be...but my ear kept hurting. Now I have triple symptoms (ear plus the two mentioned above). The triple whammy is what is doing me in.
I've built a really successful business over the past 8 years of feeling better, and I like my job. But now doing it is becoming drudgery because I feel crappy all the time.
I feel like I've lost my way....
thanks for listening....and for any encouragement.
--Sarah Hyacinth Jacoba "When dream and day unite"
Well, your brain needed the triple whammy to reach its goal, so I guess that is the positive thing about it. I think the weather isn't helping things. Many people around me have physical things going on, because their mind is annoyed by the bad weather and the end isn't in sight yet. Why don't you get your old notes out of the drawer. Read back and maybe you find a pitfall that you forgot about. It may also encourage you that back then you managed to overcome it. Sharpen your tools and I bet you will get better. you go girl, take care
"I accept myself, I appreciate myself, I love myself"