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 Emotional Causes of Cancer
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839 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2012 :  20:23:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have no idea who wrote the article below and not sure if it is really true, but I thought it is interesting and like to share it here. Hope Ace can some thought on this one.


The following are typical personality traits found in those with cancer:

1. Being highly conscientious, caring, dutiful, responsible, hard-working, and usually of above average intelligence.

2. Exhibits a strong tendency toward carrying other people's burdens and toward taking on extra obligations, and often "worrying for others."

3. Having a deep-seated need to make others happy. Being a "people pleaser" with a great need for approval.

4. Often lacking closeness with one or both parents, which sometimes, later in life, results in lack of closeness with spouse or others who would normally be close.

5. Harbours long-suppressed toxic emotions, such as anger, resentment and/or hostility. The cancer-susceptible individual typically internalizes such emotions and has great difficulty expressing them.

6. Reacts adversely to stress, and often becomes unable to cope adequately with such stress. Usually experiences an especially damaging event about 2 years before the onset of detectable cancer. The patient is not able to cope with this traumatic event or series of events, which comes as a "last straw" on top of years of suppressed reactions to stress.

7. Has an inability to resolve deep-seated emotional problems and conflicts, usually beginning in childhood, often even being unaware of their presence.

It is very common for those with cancer to have a long-standing tendency to suppress "toxic emotions", particularly anger. Usually beginning in childhood, this individual has held in their hostility and other unacceptable emotions. More often than not, this feature of the affected personality has its origins in feelings of rejection by one or both parents. Whether these feelings of rejection are justified or not, the individual perceives this rejection as real, and this results in a lack of closeness with the "rejecting" parent, followed later in life by a lack of closeness with spouses and others with whom close relationships would normally develop.

Those at the higher risk for cancer tend to develop feelings of loneliness as a result of their having been deprived of affection and acceptance earlier in life, even if this is only their perception. They have a tremendous need for approval and acceptance, and develop a very high sensitivity to the needs of others while suppressing their own emotional needs. They become the "caretakers" of the world, showing great compassion and caring for others, and will go out of their way to look after others. They are very reluctant to accept help from others, fearing that it may jeopardize their role as the caretaker. Throughout their childhood they have been typically taught "not to be selfish", and they take this to heart as a major lifetime objective.

A distinction needs to be made here between the "care-giving" and the "care-taking" personality. There is nothing wrong with care-giving, of course, but the problem arises when the susceptible individual derives their entire worth, value and identity from their role as "caretaker". If this very important shift cannot be made, the patient is stuck in this role, and the susceptibility to cancer greatly increases.

As already stated, a consistent feature of those who are susceptible to cancer appears to be that they "suffer in silence", and bear their burdens without complaint. These burdens of their own as well as the burdens of others weigh heavily upon these people through a lifetime of emotional suppression. The carefree extrovert, on the other hand, seems to be far less vulnerable to cancer than the caring introvert described above.

How one reacts to stress appears to be a major factor in the larger number of contributing causes of cancer. Most cancer patients have experienced a highly stressful event, usually about 2 years prior to the onset of detectable disease. This traumatic event is often beyond the patient's control, such as the loss of a loved one, loss of a business, job, home, or some other major disaster. The typical cancer personality has lost the ability to cope with these extreme events, because his/her coping mechanism lies in his/her ability to control the environment. When this control is lost, the patient has no other way to cope.

Major stress causes suppression of the immune system, and does so more overwhelmingly in the cancer-susceptible individual than in others. Thus personal tragedies and excessive levels of stress appear to combine with the underlying personality described above to bring on the immune deficiency which allows cancer to thrive.

For the majority of people, coping with stress and highly stressful or traumatic events or conflicts is dealt with, with relative ease. Although those in this larger group feel the devastating effects of stress, stressful events, trauma, and conflicts, including grief and loss - stressful events are seen as part of life's challenges, life's ups and downs, and they are for they most part anticipated and not completely unexpected. These people are able to move on with their lives quickly afterwards.

Those susceptible to cancer, are highly vulnerable to life's stresses and trauma, and feel unable to cope when life throws a curve-ball their way. These people are perfectionists and live in fear of conflict, stress, trauma and loss and are deeply frightened of negative events "happening" to them. And when faced with a highly stressful or traumatic event they have not anticipated, which inevitably happens during their life, react adversely and are unable to cope.

They experience inescapable shock and remain deeply affected by the experience. They have difficulty in expressing their inner grief, their inner pain, their inner anger or resentment, and genuinely feel there is no way out of the pain they are feeling inside. And because their mind cannot fathom what has happened, and remains in a state of disbelief or denial, these inner painful feelings are continually perpetuated, shooting up stress levels, lowering melatonin and adrenaline levels, causing a slow breakdown of the emotional reflex centre in the brain, and creating the beginning of cancer progression in the body.

When faced with a major trauma, the cancer personality feels trapped and unable to escape from the memory of the traumatic experience and the painful feelings of the experience. Stress hormone cortisol levels skyrocket and remain at high levels, directly suppressing the immune system, whose job it is to destroy cancer cells that exist in every human being. High stress levels generally means a person cannot sleep well, and cannot produce enough Melatonin during deep sleep. Melatonin is responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth. This means cancer cells are now free to multiply. Adrenaline levels also skyrocket initially, but are then drained and depleted over time. This is especially bad news for the cancer personality.

Adrenaline is responsible for transporting sugar away from cells. And when there is no adrenaline left, sugar builds up in cells of the body. Viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus then inhabit normal cells to feed on this excess sugar, breaking the cell's (oxygen) krebs cycle. This means normal body cells cannot breathe properly because of low oxygen and mutate during the dividing process into cancer cells. Cancer cells thrive in a low oxygen state, as demonstrated by Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg. Cancer cells also thrive on fermented sugar for cell division, and this is provided by the viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus that ferment and feed on sugar in the perfect symbiotic relationship. Too much internal stress causes a depletion of adrenaline, leads to too much sugar in the body's cells, resulting in the perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive in the body.

For the cancer personality, the news of being diagnosed with cancer and the fear and uncertainty of death represents another inescapable shock, creating another spike in stress hormone cortisol levels, and a further drop in melatonin and adrenalin levels. There is also a further breakdown of the emotional reflex centre in the brain that causes cells in the corresponding organ to slowly breakdown and become cancerous.

One of the most recent studies on psychosomatic cancer therapy comes from Germany. Over the past ten years, medical doctor / surgeon Ryke-Geerd Hamer has examined 20,000 cancer patients with all types of cancer. Dr. Hamer wondered why cancer never seems to systematically spread directly from one organ to the surrounding tissue. For example, he never found cancer of the cervix AND cancer of the uterus in the same woman. He also noticed that all his cancer patients seemed to have something in common: there had been some kind of psycho emotional conflict prior to the onset of their disease - usually a few years before - a conflict that had never been fully resolved.

X-rays taken of the brain by cancer Dr. Hamer showed in all cases a 'dark shadow' somewhere in the brain. These dark spots would be in exactly the same place in the brain for the same types of cancer. There was also a 100% correlation between the dark spot in the brain, the location of the cancer in the body and the specific type of unresolved conflict. On the basis of these findings, Dr. Hamer suggests that when we are in a stressful conflict that is not resolved, the emotional reflex center in the brain which corresponds to the experienced emotion (e.g: anger, frustration, grief) will slowly break down. Each of these emotion centers are connected to a specific organ. When a center breaks down, it will start sending wrong information to the organ it controls, resulting in the formation of deformed cells in the tissues: cancer cells. He also suggests that metastasis is not the SAME cancer spreading. It is the result of new conflicts that may well be brought on by the very stress of having cancer or of invasive and painful or nauseating therapies.

Dr Hamer started including psychotherapy as an important part of the healing process and found that when the specific conflict was resolved, the cancer immediately stopped growing at a cellular level. The dark spot in the brain started to disappear. X-rays of the brain now showed a healing edema around the damaged emotional center as the brain tissue began to repair the afflicted point. There was once again normal communication between brain and body. A similar healing edema could also be seen around the now inactive cancer tissue. Eventually, the cancer would become encapsulated, discharged or dealt with by the natural action of the body. Diseased tissue would disappear and normal tissue would then again appear.

According to cancer Dr Hamer the real cause of cancer and other diseases is an unexpected traumatic shock for which we are emotionally unprepared. The following list shows some of the relationships between conflict emotions and target organs for cancer.

Adrenal Cortex: Wrong Direction. Gone Astray
Bladder: Ugly Conflict. Dirty Tricks
Bone: Lack of Self-Worth. Inferiority Feeling
Brain: Tumor Stubborness. Refusing to Change Old Patterns. Mental Frustration
Breast (Milk Gland): Involving Care or Disharmony
Breast (Milk Duct): Separation Conflict
Breast (Left): Conflict Concerning Child, Home, or Mother
Breast (Right): Conflict with Partner or Others
Bronchioles: Territorial Conflict
Cervix: Severe Frustration
Colon: Ugly Indigestible Conflict
Esophagus: Cannot Have it or Swallow it
Gall Bladder: Rivalry Conflict
Heart: Perpetual Conflict
Intestines: Indigestible Chunk of Anger
Kidneys: Not Wanting to Live. Water or Fluid Conflict
Larynx: Conflict of Fear and Fright
Liver: Fear of Starvation
Lungs: Fear of Dying or Suffocation, including Fear for Someone Else
Lymph Glands: Loss of Self-Worth associated with the Location
Melanoma: Feeling Dirty, Soiled, Defiled
Middle Ear: Not being able to get some Vital Information
Mouth: Cannot Chew It or Hold It
Pancreas: Anxiety-Anger Conflict with Family Members. Inheritence
Prostate: Ugly Conflict with Sexual Connections or Connotations
Rectum: Fear of Being Useless
Skin: Loss of Integrity
Spleen: Shock of Being Physically or Emotionally Wounded
Stomach: Indigestible Anger. Swallowed Too Much
Testes and Ovaries: Loss Conflict
Thyroid: Feeling Powerless
Tumor (in location): Nursing old Hurts and Shocks. Building Remorse
Uterus: Sexual Conflict

Cancer occurs at the cellular level. And there are a number of factors that create stress on the body's cells, causing them to become (1) depleted of adrenaline, (2) high in sugar and (3) low in oxygen, where they are more prone to mutate and become cancerous. The higher the sugar content of the cell caused by a depletion of adrenaline, and the lower the oxygen content, the greater the likelihood of normal cells mutating and becoming cancerous.

There are a number of factors that contribute to a normal cell becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen. Physiological stresses include (and are not limited to): Poor nutrition, Chemicals, Toxins, EMF Radiation, Parasites, Liver / Colon / Kidney disease, Lack of Exercise, etc. Psychological stresses include (and are not limited to): Inescapable Shock, Repressed Feelings, Depression, Isolation, Poor Sleep, Emotional Trauma, External Conflict, etc.

In the vast majority of those with cancer, there exists both a combination of psychological as well as physiological stresses that have contributed to the body's cells becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen, causing them to mutate and become cancerous.

5 stages of cancer of how tumors are formed within the body:

Phase 1 - Inescapable Shock / Emotional Trauma
This initial phase occurs approximately 2 years prior to the cancer diagnosis. This is where the individual experiences an "inescapable shock", affecting deep sleep and the production of melatonin within the body. Melatonin is necessary for inhibiting cancer cell growth and is the primary hormone responsible for regulating the immune system. During this phase a part of the emotional reflex centre in the brain slowly breaks down, creating a dark spot on the brain (viewed by X-ray). Each part of the emotional reflex centre controls and is connected to an organ or part of the body, and when the emotion centre begins to break down, so too does the organ or body part it is connected to.

Phase 2 - Stress Suppresses The Immune System
During this second phase, the immune system is suppressed by elevated stress hormone cortisol levels. The immune system also receives subconscious messages from the affected emotion centre of the brain to slow down, and to even stop working altogether. An individual experiencing "inescapable shock" often feels like they have died "emotionally" on some level, and the immune system receives these messages as a subliminal signal or command to give up the fight to live also. This causes somatids to react. Somatids are tiny living organisms (necessary for life) that live in our blood. Different types of somatids are specific to and inhabit different organs of the body. In a healthy organism, where the immune system is functioning properly, these somatids are limited to 3 stages in their life cycle - somatid, spore, double spore. When the immune system is impaired or suppressed, somatids pleomorphise (or change) into a further 13 stages (16 altogether).These further 13 stages are pathogenic (harmful) to the body and include viral, bacterial, and yeast-like fungus forms.

Phase 3 - Stress Causes Cell Glucose Levels to Rise
Over time, elevated stress hormone levels cause adrenaline levels to be depleted within the body, causing glucose (sugar) levels to rise within normal cells. The main purpose of adrenaline is to remove and convert glucose from cells for energy for the body, just as it is the main purpose of insulin to transport glucose (sugar) into cells. When the adrenaline reserves are depleted, glucose (sugar) levels increase sharply within cells - leaving little room for oxygen. This is why so many cancer patients are weak and lethargic, because they have no adrenaline left (or very little) to convert the glucose in their cells into energy for the body and their cells subsequently have very little room left to accept oxygen from passing blood.

Phase 4 - Fungus Enter Cells to Feed on Glucose
During this fourth phase, pathogenic microbes (virus-bacteria-fungus) that have pleomorphised and established themselves in a weakened part of the body, enter normal cells to feed on high glucose levels. This fermentation of glucose causes "mycotoxins" to be released (a highly acidic waste product), which 1) breaks the Krebs Cycle of the cell (a process that uses oxygen as part of cellular respiration), and 2) breaks the Electron Transport Chain of the cell, meaning the number of ATP molecules drops dramatically. (ATP molecules provide energy to the cell.) This lack of oxygen and cell energy means normal cells mutate during the dividing process - creating new rogue cancer cells. The body's tissue and cells become highly acidic (low pH) due to the waste by-products caused by these viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus. Over-acidification of the body also occurs due to fermentation of excess stress hormones in the body, poor diet (low pH value foods), and lack of exercise. Viruses, bacteria, yeast, mould, fungus, candida and cancer cells thrive in a low pH acidic environment.

Phase 5 - Fungus and Cancer Form Symbiotic Relationship
During this fifth phase viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus form a symbiotic relationship with newly created cancer/tumor cells. Yeast-like fungus is symbiotic in nature and feeds on the high levels of glucose to use for energy for reproduction of new somatids. The yeast-like fungus provides a natural fermentation process and ferments the glucose within the cancer/tumor cell, providing energy and a natural growth factor in return. The yeast-like fungus uses the cancer/tumor cells as a host or house for their rich reserves of glucose, and stimulates these cancer/tumor cells to propagate more houses. The result is a mass of tumor cells, or tumor sites. Yeast-like fungus prevent cancer / tumor cells reverting back into normal healthy cells (re-establishing their Krebs Cycle), as they continue to cause "mycotoxins" to be released (a highly acidic waste product), meaning cancer / tumor cells in a sense are held hostage to the yeast-like fungus that inhabit them.

Phase 6 - Stress Stimulates Tumor Cell Growth / Metastases
During this final phase elevated stress hormone norepinephrine and epinephine levels, stimulate tumor cells to produce three (3) compounds: MMP-2 and MMP-9 (both martix metalloproteinases) and the growth compound VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor). Tumor cells make receptors for these stress hormones on their surface, to stimulate these three compounds. MMP-2 and MMP-9 breakdown the scaffolding of tumor cell walls making it easier for them to travel to other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis. VEGF causes blood vessels to grow in new tumor cells, so that they can grow and spread more rapidly. News of cancer at this stage, often becomes a further "inescapable shock" and the cycle begins again with secondary tumor sites forming in different parts or organs of the body.

No, I don't know everything. I'm just here to share my experience.


672 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2012 :  20:42:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wonder how the author would explain cancer in young children?

I think generally one would need a whole lot of data to draw meaningful conclusions regarding the association between psycho-emotional factors and cancer. I am guessing this has been studied, given how much research has been done in this field. Maybe Ace1 or others know.

Edited by - pspa123 on 12/17/2012 20:55:36
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Dr James Alexander

127 Posts

Posted - 12/17/2012 :  22:09:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My PhD was actually on this topic. In Australia, a PhD is usually done via a piece of major research, and then writing this up as the thesis. It is a too large piece of work to go into here, but there are some points that i could add to the topic. The theory of how stress may result in cancer is intuitively appealing, and certainly has a logic to it. Personally, i want to believe it for a couple of reasons- it makes cancer seem less random, and therefore more in our control. The theory can help us all to experience less anxiety in relation to cancer. For my research, i needed to read just about every bit of science that has been done on the topic. As stated, it is too large to detail here, however, in a nut shell, the research evidence is equivocal. The most compelling 'evidence' (provided by Grossarth-Maticek & Eysenk) is suspected to have resulted from scientific fraud (I actually think there is another possibility, which the accusers of fraud have not considered- this was the topic of my PhD). The remaining evidence suffers from a range of methodological problems, eg. many studies are quasi-prospective (meaning that they are also semi-retrospective). The best research design is to get a bunch of people who are currently healthy (free of cancer); assess them on a broad range of rigourous psychological measures; sit back and wait a few decades and see who gets cancer and who doesnt. Due to the complicated, time consuming and expensive nature of such prospective research studies, many studies use a quasi prospective approach (which means semi-retrospective). As such, it is just as possible that having cancer may lead to the personality characteristics associated with it (eg. emotional repression etc) as the other way around. The impression i had when i last looked into this subject seriously (mid 2000's) was that the theory of personality factors and life experiences contributing to cancer, on the 'current' state of evidence, needs to remain as a hypothesis. It may be that compelling evidence is one day found for this link- i'd be very open to such evidence, but at this time, no evidence exists that should lead a scientist to conclude that it is a demonstrated fact. Yes, enough evidence exists for it to be a valid theory and certainly worthy of more research. Of course, this is all about science and how science is done. History shows that science can at times get it wildly wrong, but it is essentially a social process of gradually accumulating evidence through testing of theories. Not everyone feels beholden to this long slow process. If people find personal meaning in the theory of psycho-social factors producing cancer, then fine- thats their business, and their choices should be respected. Likewise, if people feel more beholden to stick with the available evidence, then i think that should also be respected. It remains a tantilising theory,and worthy of more attention, discussion and research. When it comes to heart disease, my reading of the research is that there is a threshold of evidence that supports the proposition that psycho-social factors have an important role to play in CHD. And when it comes to general health, there is also evidence that certainly personality and behavioural types are more health prone than illness prone. In regards to cancer, one article i read about the notion of psychosocial factors playing a large role was titled 'the faith of an agnostic'. i think that pretty well describes me on the issue. I have faith that such a link may one day be well demonstrated, but on the available evidence i have to remain one who really does not profess to know.

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250 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  05:48:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Dr. Alexander:
Thank you for stepping up! Nonsense such as this has no place on this forum.

Edited by - Peregrinus on 12/18/2012 17:20:11
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839 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  08:23:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
for the past 30 years, lots of people have called Dr Sarno's theory nonsense.

They are the same people who thought the Wright brothers were crazy. Galileo and Darwin should be burn at the cross. The same people that think the earth were flat and only angels can fly. the same people that think low carb diet will cure everything.

No, I don't know everything. I'm just here to share my experience.
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tennis tom

4749 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  08:44:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by balto

I have no idea who wrote the article below and not sure if it is really true, but I thought it is interesting and like to share it here. Hope Ace can some thought on this one.


The following are typical personality traits found in those with cancer:

1. Being highly conscientious, caring, dutiful, responsible, hard-working, and usually of above average intelligence.

2. Exhibits a strong tendency toward carrying other people's burdens and toward taking on extra obligations, and often "worrying for others."

3. Having a deep-seated need to make others happy. Being a "people pleaser" with a great need for approval.

4. Often lacking closeness with one or both parents, which sometimes, later in life, results in lack of closeness with spouse or others who would normally be close.

5. Harbours long-suppressed toxic emotions, such as anger, resentment and/or hostility. The cancer-susceptible individual typically internalizes such emotions and has great difficulty expressing them.

6. Reacts adversely to stress, and often becomes unable to cope adequately with such stress. Usually experiences an especially damaging event about 2 years before the onset of detectable cancer. The patient is not able to cope with this traumatic event or series of events, which comes as a "last straw" on top of years of suppressed reactions to stress.

7. Has an inability to resolve deep-seated emotional problems and conflicts, usually beginning in childhood, often even being unaware of their presence.

It is very common for those with cancer to have a long-standing tendency to suppress "toxic emotions", particularly anger. Usually beginning in childhood, this individual has held in their hostility and other unacceptable emotions. More often than not, this feature of the affected personality has its origins in feelings of rejection by one or both parents. Whether these feelings of rejection are justified or not, the individual perceives this rejection as real, and this results in a lack of closeness with the "rejecting" parent, followed later in life by a lack of closeness with spouses and others with whom close relationships would normally develop.

Those at the higher risk for cancer tend to develop feelings of loneliness as a result of their having been deprived of affection and acceptance earlier in life, even if this is only their perception. They have a tremendous need for approval and acceptance, and develop a very high sensitivity to the needs of others while suppressing their own emotional needs. They become the "caretakers" of the world, showing great compassion and caring for others, and will go out of their way to look after others. They are very reluctant to accept help from others, fearing that it may jeopardize their role as the caretaker. Throughout their childhood they have been typically taught "not to be selfish", and they take this to heart as a major lifetime objective.

A distinction needs to be made here between the "care-giving" and the "care-taking" personality. There is nothing wrong with care-giving, of course, but the problem arises when the susceptible individual derives their entire worth, value and identity from their role as "caretaker". If this very important shift cannot be made, the patient is stuck in this role, and the susceptibility to cancer greatly increases.

As already stated, a consistent feature of those who are susceptible to cancer appears to be that they "suffer in silence", and bear their burdens without complaint. These burdens of their own as well as the burdens of others weigh heavily upon these people through a lifetime of emotional suppression. The carefree extrovert, on the other hand, seems to be far less vulnerable to cancer than the caring introvert described above.

How one reacts to stress appears to be a major factor in the larger number of contributing causes of cancer. Most cancer patients have experienced a highly stressful event, usually about 2 years prior to the onset of detectable disease. This traumatic event is often beyond the patient's control, such as the loss of a loved one, loss of a business, job, home, or some other major disaster. The typical cancer personality has lost the ability to cope with these extreme events, because his/her coping mechanism lies in his/her ability to control the environment. When this control is lost, the patient has no other way to cope.

Major stress causes suppression of the immune system, and does so more overwhelmingly in the cancer-susceptible individual than in others. Thus personal tragedies and excessive levels of stress appear to combine with the underlying personality described above to bring on the immune deficiency which allows cancer to thrive.

For the majority of people, coping with stress and highly stressful or traumatic events or conflicts is dealt with, with relative ease. Although those in this larger group feel the devastating effects of stress, stressful events, trauma, and conflicts, including grief and loss - stressful events are seen as part of life's challenges, life's ups and downs, and they are for they most part anticipated and not completely unexpected. These people are able to move on with their lives quickly afterwards.

Those susceptible to cancer, are highly vulnerable to life's stresses and trauma, and feel unable to cope when life throws a curve-ball their way. These people are perfectionists and live in fear of conflict, stress, trauma and loss and are deeply frightened of negative events "happening" to them. And when faced with a highly stressful or traumatic event they have not anticipated, which inevitably happens during their life, react adversely and are unable to cope.

They experience inescapable shock and remain deeply affected by the experience. They have difficulty in expressing their inner grief, their inner pain, their inner anger or resentment, and genuinely feel there is no way out of the pain they are feeling inside. And because their mind cannot fathom what has happened, and remains in a state of disbelief or denial, these inner painful feelings are continually perpetuated, shooting up stress levels, lowering melatonin and adrenaline levels, causing a slow breakdown of the emotional reflex centre in the brain, and creating the beginning of cancer progression in the body.

When faced with a major trauma, the cancer personality feels trapped and unable to escape from the memory of the traumatic experience and the painful feelings of the experience. Stress hormone cortisol levels skyrocket and remain at high levels, directly suppressing the immune system, whose job it is to destroy cancer cells that exist in every human being. High stress levels generally means a person cannot sleep well, and cannot produce enough Melatonin during deep sleep. Melatonin is responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth. This means cancer cells are now free to multiply. Adrenaline levels also skyrocket initially, but are then drained and depleted over time. This is especially bad news for the cancer personality.

Adrenaline is responsible for transporting sugar away from cells. And when there is no adrenaline left, sugar builds up in cells of the body. Viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus then inhabit normal cells to feed on this excess sugar, breaking the cell's (oxygen) krebs cycle. This means normal body cells cannot breathe properly because of low oxygen and mutate during the dividing process into cancer cells. Cancer cells thrive in a low oxygen state, as demonstrated by Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg. Cancer cells also thrive on fermented sugar for cell division, and this is provided by the viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus that ferment and feed on sugar in the perfect symbiotic relationship. Too much internal stress causes a depletion of adrenaline, leads to too much sugar in the body's cells, resulting in the perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive in the body.

For the cancer personality, the news of being diagnosed with cancer and the fear and uncertainty of death represents another inescapable shock, creating another spike in stress hormone cortisol levels, and a further drop in melatonin and adrenalin levels. There is also a further breakdown of the emotional reflex centre in the brain that causes cells in the corresponding organ to slowly breakdown and become cancerous.

One of the most recent studies on psychosomatic cancer therapy comes from Germany. Over the past ten years, medical doctor / surgeon Ryke-Geerd Hamer has examined 20,000 cancer patients with all types of cancer. Dr. Hamer wondered why cancer never seems to systematically spread directly from one organ to the surrounding tissue. For example, he never found cancer of the cervix AND cancer of the uterus in the same woman. He also noticed that all his cancer patients seemed to have something in common: there had been some kind of psycho emotional conflict prior to the onset of their disease - usually a few years before - a conflict that had never been fully resolved.

X-rays taken of the brain by cancer Dr. Hamer showed in all cases a 'dark shadow' somewhere in the brain. These dark spots would be in exactly the same place in the brain for the same types of cancer. There was also a 100% correlation between the dark spot in the brain, the location of the cancer in the body and the specific type of unresolved conflict. On the basis of these findings, Dr. Hamer suggests that when we are in a stressful conflict that is not resolved, the emotional reflex center in the brain which corresponds to the experienced emotion (e.g: anger, frustration, grief) will slowly break down. Each of these emotion centers are connected to a specific organ. When a center breaks down, it will start sending wrong information to the organ it controls, resulting in the formation of deformed cells in the tissues: cancer cells. He also suggests that metastasis is not the SAME cancer spreading. It is the result of new conflicts that may well be brought on by the very stress of having cancer or of invasive and painful or nauseating therapies.

Dr Hamer started including psychotherapy as an important part of the healing process and found that when the specific conflict was resolved, the cancer immediately stopped growing at a cellular level. The dark spot in the brain started to disappear. X-rays of the brain now showed a healing edema around the damaged emotional center as the brain tissue began to repair the afflicted point. There was once again normal communication between brain and body. A similar healing edema could also be seen around the now inactive cancer tissue. Eventually, the cancer would become encapsulated, discharged or dealt with by the natural action of the body. Diseased tissue would disappear and normal tissue would then again appear.

According to cancer Dr Hamer the real cause of cancer and other diseases is an unexpected traumatic shock for which we are emotionally unprepared. The following list shows some of the relationships between conflict emotions and target organs for cancer.

Adrenal Cortex: Wrong Direction. Gone Astray
Bladder: Ugly Conflict. Dirty Tricks
Bone: Lack of Self-Worth. Inferiority Feeling
Brain: Tumor Stubborness. Refusing to Change Old Patterns. Mental Frustration
Breast (Milk Gland): Involving Care or Disharmony
Breast (Milk Duct): Separation Conflict
Breast (Left): Conflict Concerning Child, Home, or Mother
Breast (Right): Conflict with Partner or Others
Bronchioles: Territorial Conflict
Cervix: Severe Frustration
Colon: Ugly Indigestible Conflict
Esophagus: Cannot Have it or Swallow it
Gall Bladder: Rivalry Conflict
Heart: Perpetual Conflict
Intestines: Indigestible Chunk of Anger
Kidneys: Not Wanting to Live. Water or Fluid Conflict
Larynx: Conflict of Fear and Fright
Liver: Fear of Starvation
Lungs: Fear of Dying or Suffocation, including Fear for Someone Else
Lymph Glands: Loss of Self-Worth associated with the Location
Melanoma: Feeling Dirty, Soiled, Defiled
Middle Ear: Not being able to get some Vital Information
Mouth: Cannot Chew It or Hold It
Pancreas: Anxiety-Anger Conflict with Family Members. Inheritence
Prostate: Ugly Conflict with Sexual Connections or Connotations
Rectum: Fear of Being Useless
Skin: Loss of Integrity
Spleen: Shock of Being Physically or Emotionally Wounded
Stomach: Indigestible Anger. Swallowed Too Much
Testes and Ovaries: Loss Conflict
Thyroid: Feeling Powerless
Tumor (in location): Nursing old Hurts and Shocks. Building Remorse
Uterus: Sexual Conflict

Cancer occurs at the cellular level. And there are a number of factors that create stress on the body's cells, causing them to become (1) depleted of adrenaline, (2) high in sugar and (3) low in oxygen, where they are more prone to mutate and become cancerous. The higher the sugar content of the cell caused by a depletion of adrenaline, and the lower the oxygen content, the greater the likelihood of normal cells mutating and becoming cancerous.

There are a number of factors that contribute to a normal cell becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen. Physiological stresses include (and are not limited to): Poor nutrition, Chemicals, Toxins, EMF Radiation, Parasites, Liver / Colon / Kidney disease, Lack of Exercise, etc. Psychological stresses include (and are not limited to): Inescapable Shock, Repressed Feelings, Depression, Isolation, Poor Sleep, Emotional Trauma, External Conflict, etc.

In the vast majority of those with cancer, there exists both a combination of psychological as well as physiological stresses that have contributed to the body's cells becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen, causing them to mutate and become cancerous.

5 stages of cancer of how tumors are formed within the body:

Phase 1 - Inescapable Shock / Emotional Trauma
This initial phase occurs approximately 2 years prior to the cancer diagnosis. This is where the individual experiences an "inescapable shock", affecting deep sleep and the production of melatonin within the body. Melatonin is necessary for inhibiting cancer cell growth and is the primary hormone responsible for regulating the immune system. During this phase a part of the emotional reflex centre in the brain slowly breaks down, creating a dark spot on the brain (viewed by X-ray). Each part of the emotional reflex centre controls and is connected to an organ or part of the body, and when the emotion centre begins to break down, so too does the organ or body part it is connected to.

Phase 2 - Stress Suppresses The Immune System
During this second phase, the immune system is suppressed by elevated stress hormone cortisol levels. The immune system also receives subconscious messages from the affected emotion centre of the brain to slow down, and to even stop working altogether. An individual experiencing "inescapable shock" often feels like they have died "emotionally" on some level, and the immune system receives these messages as a subliminal signal or command to give up the fight to live also. This causes somatids to react. Somatids are tiny living organisms (necessary for life) that live in our blood. Different types of somatids are specific to and inhabit different organs of the body. In a healthy organism, where the immune system is functioning properly, these somatids are limited to 3 stages in their life cycle - somatid, spore, double spore. When the immune system is impaired or suppressed, somatids pleomorphise (or change) into a further 13 stages (16 altogether).These further 13 stages are pathogenic (harmful) to the body and include viral, bacterial, and yeast-like fungus forms.

Phase 3 - Stress Causes Cell Glucose Levels to Rise
Over time, elevated stress hormone levels cause adrenaline levels to be depleted within the body, causing glucose (sugar) levels to rise within normal cells. The main purpose of adrenaline is to remove and convert glucose from cells for energy for the body, just as it is the main purpose of insulin to transport glucose (sugar) into cells. When the adrenaline reserves are depleted, glucose (sugar) levels increase sharply within cells - leaving little room for oxygen. This is why so many cancer patients are weak and lethargic, because they have no adrenaline left (or very little) to convert the glucose in their cells into energy for the body and their cells subsequently have very little room left to accept oxygen from passing blood.

Phase 4 - Fungus Enter Cells to Feed on Glucose
During this fourth phase, pathogenic microbes (virus-bacteria-fungus) that have pleomorphised and established themselves in a weakened part of the body, enter normal cells to feed on high glucose levels. This fermentation of glucose causes "mycotoxins" to be released (a highly acidic waste product), which 1) breaks the Krebs Cycle of the cell (a process that uses oxygen as part of cellular respiration), and 2) breaks the Electron Transport Chain of the cell, meaning the number of ATP molecules drops dramatically. (ATP molecules provide energy to the cell.) This lack of oxygen and cell energy means normal cells mutate during the dividing process - creating new rogue cancer cells. The body's tissue and cells become highly acidic (low pH) due to the waste by-products caused by these viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus. Over-acidification of the body also occurs due to fermentation of excess stress hormones in the body, poor diet (low pH value foods), and lack of exercise. Viruses, bacteria, yeast, mould, fungus, candida and cancer cells thrive in a low pH acidic environment.

Phase 5 - Fungus and Cancer Form Symbiotic Relationship
During this fifth phase viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus form a symbiotic relationship with newly created cancer/tumor cells. Yeast-like fungus is symbiotic in nature and feeds on the high levels of glucose to use for energy for reproduction of new somatids. The yeast-like fungus provides a natural fermentation process and ferments the glucose within the cancer/tumor cell, providing energy and a natural growth factor in return. The yeast-like fungus uses the cancer/tumor cells as a host or house for their rich reserves of glucose, and stimulates these cancer/tumor cells to propagate more houses. The result is a mass of tumor cells, or tumor sites. Yeast-like fungus prevent cancer / tumor cells reverting back into normal healthy cells (re-establishing their Krebs Cycle), as they continue to cause "mycotoxins" to be released (a highly acidic waste product), meaning cancer / tumor cells in a sense are held hostage to the yeast-like fungus that inhabit them.

Phase 6 - Stress Stimulates Tumor Cell Growth / Metastases
During this final phase elevated stress hormone norepinephrine and epinephine levels, stimulate tumor cells to produce three (3) compounds: MMP-2 and MMP-9 (both martix metalloproteinases) and the growth compound VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor). Tumor cells make receptors for these stress hormones on their surface, to stimulate these three compounds. MMP-2 and MMP-9 breakdown the scaffolding of tumor cell walls making it easier for them to travel to other parts of the body, a process known as metastasis. VEGF causes blood vessels to grow in new tumor cells, so that they can grow and spread more rapidly. News of cancer at this stage, often becomes a further "inescapable shock" and the cycle begins again with secondary tumor sites forming in different parts or organs of the body.

No, I don't know everything. I'm just here to share my experience.

Thanks for the article Balto, very thought provoking and a bit scarey to me. I'm convinced my mother's kidney cancer was attributable to her un-happiness later in life due to many bad circumstances not of her making. I'd never heard of Dr. Sarno then, and immediately made the possibillity for that connection.

Dr. Bernie Siegel, a noted oncologist, has written many books about cancer and the emotions. This forum is founded on the philosophy of the inseparability of the MINDBODY. Dr. Sarno has noted in his books, that cancer may be a TMS equivalent. I don't have the hubris to stake my life on it to disagree.
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672 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  08:48:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don't know the answer about cancer although I suspect it's complex and pscyho-emotional factors are only one important part of the picture. After all, aren't cancers studied in laboratory animals? That said, Balto's remark just now reminded me of the great quote attributed to Schopenhauer. All truths pass through three stages: First, they are ridiculed. Second, they are violently opposed. Third, they are accepted as self evident.

Edited by - pspa123 on 12/18/2012 09:02:44
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1040 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  11:13:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
SOme of this article seems somewhat true, some of it is fantasy I think, such as the fungus theory and xray with black area on the brain. I think the specfic problems atributed to certain types of cancer is not accurate. In terms of proving this or doing a thesis on this, I believe, that no one can do anything more than what Dr. Sarno did in his book healing back pain. There will never be hard evidence bc the treatment of these disorders are so varied and not everyone is either determined enough or their habits are so engrained that they are hard to break. I believe cancer to be a mich more severe for of TMS and, as you can see it is difficult to reverse jus pain for many people deeply entrenched in it, that is why we dont have as many recovery stories with cancer as something such as chronic pain. Well then why should any one work on this if it is hard to reverse? First I believe if the person works on this early before the start of anything, it is easy to maintain good habits and pass these along to your children. Secondly, I think the treatment of the mind will yeild reults if patient enough, maybe even several years. I know a person who wrote a book on how to recover from anxiety alone and it took him 8 years to recover completely (I will not say whom it is, in case he doesnt want this as public info). Even if it doesnt reverese it due to inability to, I think any treatment of the mind will probably slow it down some. Like i said the only reason I know it to be mind related is my expereience and recovery from TMS and seeing manly cancer patients on a daily basis and seeing how it behaves.

Edited by - Ace1 on 12/18/2012 20:26:51
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250 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  11:32:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
O.K. insisting the world is not flat deserves a response. In 1963 (not sure of the date) an article in Scientific American reported on what turned out to be the definitive study linking smoking and Lung cancer. Too bad they didn’t read Balto’s article because they could have saved a lot of trouble because that article would have told them that lung cancer is caused by “Fear of Dying or Suffocation, including Fear for Someone Else”. Anyway, the surgeon general read that article and a few years later (high speed for the government) he issued the famous report about lung cancer and smoking. What was striking to me in that article was the fact that lung cancer is virtually unknown for people living outside cities and who don’t smoke. Now I know that this is because if you don’t live in a city and don’t smoke then you have no fear of dying or suffocation and no fear for someone else.

Edited by - Peregrinus on 12/18/2012 11:34:35
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1040 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  11:47:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Actually that is not entirely true. Did you know Christopher Reeves wife died of lung cancer a few months after Chris and she was a never smoker? There are many cases like this too, but they just are not the majority. Now I agree that the specfic reasons given dont make much sense on this list and I do not support these. I have a deep theory about cigarrettes, which many may or may not believe. I think smoking exerts it negative effects mainly by intensifying tension. If someone uses a drug (cigarettes) to help them cover up their tension, then the person is more likely to endure more tension than they normally would. Therefore it allows people to have a higher level of tension overall. Obviously, there is more cell turnover with smoking, but if the immune system was strong enough it could possibly handle it, but if the immune system is weakened by what I just described, then the start of a cancer may not be so difficult to imagine.

Edited by - Ace1 on 12/18/2012 20:26:05
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1040 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  11:49:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Also the psychological need for cigarettes in the first place is a form of TMS, which implies underlying TMS as a risk factor for cancer. How would one be able to tease out this aspect as being the real reason that cigarettes are so harmful?
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tennis tom

4749 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  13:33:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nicotine is a great relaxant, the Indians used it--what d'ya want, to live forever? It's that pot **** (merde) I'm worried about, there aint't no filters on them and who knows what conditions they are grown and rolled under--lots of potential for other people's germs.
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839 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  20:19:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Peregrinus

O.K. insisting the world is not flat deserves a response. In 1963 (not sure of the date) an article in Scientific American reported on what turned out to be the definitive study linking smoking and Lung cancer. Too bad they didn’t read Balto’s article because they could have saved a lot of trouble because that article would have told them that lung cancer is caused by “Fear of Dying or Suffocation, including Fear for Someone Else”. Anyway, the surgeon general read that article and a few years later (high speed for the government) he issued the famous report about lung cancer and smoking. What was striking to me in that article was the fact that lung cancer is virtually unknown for people living outside cities and who don’t smoke. Now I know that this is because if you don’t live in a city and don’t smoke then you have no fear of dying or suffocation and no fear for someone else.

This is much better. It is not that hard to have friendly discussions instead of being hostile and putting down people when you don't like their post. It doesn't make you better than anyone. People look up to you professor.

No, I don't know everything. I'm just here to share my experience.
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839 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  20:28:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ace1

SOme of this article seems somewhat true, some of it is fantasy I think, such as the fungus theory and xray with black area on the brain. I think the specfic problems atributed to certain types of cancer is not accurate.

Thanks Ace. I didn't think many of what's in the article is true. I thought I should post it here so we can have a little discussion about it. Hoping to learn more about cancer. The lost of my niece to cancer is still so hard for me to accept. It is such a challenge helping adults overcome tms, how can we help a 6 years old child overcome it, if cancer is truly a form of tms, how can we help a child to understand tms and heal him/herself?

No, I don't know everything. I'm just here to share my experience.
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78 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  21:07:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Peregrinus

O.K. insisting the world is not flat deserves a response. In 1963 (not sure of the date) an article in Scientific American reported on what turned out to be the definitive study linking smoking and Lung cancer. Too bad they didn’t read Balto’s article because they could have saved a lot of trouble because that article would have told them that lung cancer is caused by “Fear of Dying or Suffocation, including Fear for Someone Else”. Anyway, the surgeon general read that article and a few years later (high speed for the government) he issued the famous report about lung cancer and smoking. What was striking to me in that article was the fact that lung cancer is virtually unknown for people living outside cities and who don’t smoke. Now I know that this is because if you don’t live in a city and don’t smoke then you have no fear of dying or suffocation and no fear for someone else.

It's about talking, not attacking. Even if you think it's wrong, I can guarantee that you have nothing to add to the discussion by razing it. Regardless of whether you're right or you're wrong, or even if cancer is one day demonstrated to be caused by poor fashion sense, this buckshot vitriol that you spew, then swallow to recount to us your learning and growing and recognition of fears feels like a neurotic sine wave (and we're all neurotic).

But that does not give you social permission to lift your leg and drain cynicism all over everything, like a solipsist in a universe that you allegedly created and continue to create.
You call many things here nonsense. Your inflammatory posts are nonsense, because emotionally they make no sense to those seeking the benefit of this forum.

Furthermore, the negativity likely cuts too deep and close to home for many people, and judgment is useless and horrible in a place like this, with so many tipping points easily met. This is a place to point you towards destructive inner dialogs, but it is not a place to
do so at the expense of other people. It's the closest thing I've seen to bullying on here.

You have motivated me to speak my mind on something I felt was destructive.

Please consider why I have been blunt.
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250 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  21:24:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Are you saying it is not nonsense?
How does someone with TMS benefit from nonsense?
Are you projecting? If so I forgive you.
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78 Posts

Posted - 12/18/2012 :  21:31:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Peregrinus Posted - 12/18/2012 : 21:24:04
Are you saying it is not nonsense?

It's all discussion. Ignoring the mechanism, the discussion is about cancer being emotional versus cancer not being emotional. That proposition is an area of unknown to everyone, making the thesis equally sense and nonsense. You have used "nonsense" in much more than this post.

How does someone with TMS benefit from nonsense?

They don't. But who appointed you the arbiter of what is and isn't nonsense?.

Are you projecting?

Actually, I don't think I am this time.

If so I forgive you.

Thank you!

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116 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2012 :  06:23:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Balto, thank you for this post. As someone whose chronic pain coincided with 4 cases of skin cancer (one melanoma and three BCCs), I tend to agree that some cancers are a severe form of TMS.

My mother also died from pancreatic cancer after a lifetime of typical digestive TMS symptoms of chronic acid reflux, which led to Barrett's Disease, and IBS. My cancers and chronic pain began just a few months after she passed away.
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672 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2012 :  07:12:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have what is really a vocabulary question about what it means to be a TMS equivalent. When folks talk of cancer (or other diseases) as a TMS equivalent, do you mean in the narrow sense of being a distraction created to avoid unacceptable emotions, or in the broader sense of stress and emotional conflict contributing to a physiological breakdown? Perhaps the question is not even meaningful, but in many of these discussions and in many past threads -- even in the pain context -- I see both concepts being discussed under the TMS umbrella and would like to understand.
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142 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2012 :  09:28:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi All,

I am a member of this forum.

I usually do not come on here very often, however, I usually don't reply or post much, but, I felt I had to respond to this thread!

This topic doesn't HELP one bit and if one does suffer "health anxiety" it's even worst.

I am speaking for myself but some of those emotions that are on that list, some what describe me. I am very much trying to work hard at correcting and coming to peace.

What are we supposed to do to avoid the dreaded "C" become like an enlighten Buddha??? What if you don't accomplish it with in a year and you still are working on life's stressors and or the past???

How many of us can become enlighted to avoided diseases like this?

I believe that most BEGIN pain is caused by TMS, but, this TOPIC should be removed!

This is one of the many reasons I will not visit this forum much!


Edited by - kalo on 12/19/2012 09:32:45
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1040 Posts

Posted - 12/19/2012 :  09:44:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good luck to you Kalo, I wish you good health, but I think this topic is very approprate as I think if someone developed something like this, I think that person should try to use the KNOWLEGE they obtained to help themselves insead of being just another victim with very dismal chances from the standard medical system. I think you need to desensitize yourself to things that bother you, including posts like this. This is listed on my keys to recovery. You will always encouter things that bother you, but to be able to let it go is the key to your success.

TMS equivalents means the psychological results in a need for symptoms, which could be anything, and that all that means,- an illness related to tension

Edited by - Ace1 on 12/19/2012 10:25:57
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