Kenny, are you watching the series on autism this week? I think it's on CNBC.
Tom, I am aware, of anything associated to autism and live the life every day.
Don’t get me started, Just thinking about what is going on right now, as far as the news media coverage might brick back some ol’e TMS crippling back pain.
Believe me, I am glad that at least some people will get a glimpse of understanding of what living a life of autism is about. And this only happened to be aired on NBC because one of the staffs’ grandson was recently diagnosis. Unfortunately at this present time we only have one senator on board, whose grandson was poisoned.
This finally awaited needed information after 20 years. The first public exposure to TV or news media coverage does not do justice Of at least informing the general public to what HAS BEEN DICOVERED AND TO OPENING UP TO THE GENEARAL PUBLIC TO WHAT IS OUT THEIR AS FAR AS THE TREATMENTS AVAILIBLE.
At least FOX 5 broadcasts had the decency to bring some light to the table.
At least FOX 5 has given a warning to parents and Thousands of pregnant women about the seriousness of thermasol, and that it CONTUNIES to be in vaccinations. Not to mention it has been considered A DEADLY CHEMICAL, which has been known as a neoro- toxic for over 50 years.
But as far as info for the newly diagnose families who are desperately looking for help, they are still in the dark.
And to call this a hidden epidemic, please don’t………….. We have known about this for over 40 years.
Go to the ARI Autistic research institute. And read from one of the best resources available
Bernard Rimland; (the grandfather of autism) devoted 50 years of his life to the research and development of treating autism spectrum disorder. He does this 7 days a week and has the largest collected database in the world on the subject of autism.
Like I said before I could give Hundreds of articles, research studies and a pile of EVIDENCE that make the connections.
I read personal accounts and testimony just about every day. In fact I live this everyday.
But To me the most dramatic effect of the reality of this (so-called) HIDDEN EPIDEMIC, is looking into the eyes of a parent that knew to the day ................ Their child got jabbed, and regressed from normal development.
I am talking about normal developing children, that hit all the milestones of development and stop instantly, communication, speaking, and loss of eye contact and do not respond to the outside world any longer.
The lonely world of Autism.
Is it Autism or just a form of poisoning that is yet to be held responsible in this hidden epidemic?
Look for yourself and compare http://www.autismwebsite.com/ari/vaccine/mercury.htm
It is Just like trying to explain TMS, most of the main steam medical community has been already programmed and have their minds set............ And everyone else follows But what do we know.
Always Hope For Recovery