I saw dr. sarno in 1984 for lower back pain. I've been pain free ever since. New problems: leg cramping, and osteoarthritis of the knee. Is there a psychosomatic aspect to either? Do they fit into TMS?
I thought that cramps were cause by too much lactic acid or simply too much acidity in the body but I may be wrong about lactic acid, a way to check this out acidity is to buy PH reading strips and do the saliva or urine test. Eating more vegetables tends to lower the acidity according to people who have a more alkaline diet. One thing I can tell you is that too much acidity is not good and I never had muscle cramps as I used to have in the legs since my body is back within alkaline limits. Also later on I remember when reading Healing Back Pain from Dr Sarno that it was discovered that athletes cramps while they were performing were blamed on slight oxygen deprivation in the tissues involved when tested in real time , this is why it is believed to be the way the brain works to induce pain with TMS. I 'm sorry I do not have the book anymore to check this out again so you may want to read it on this particular subject for accuracy. Maybe there is something in there about osteoarthritis too. Sorry I don't know anything about it .