Well it would be interesting to see this in a placebo controlled trial (just as Sarnos method owuld be interesting to see in a placebo controlled trial).
Im not going to underestimate the power of our minds and thoughts. We take a certain medication to "heaL" us and then we believe we are healed and we are. At least thats a possibility here.
Over the past 10 years, Ive seen similar "breakthough" treatments for chronic pain -- antibiotics, accupuncture, guaifenesin, enbrel (etanercept) etc etc. The latter three have turned out to be the same as placebo. Not that thats a bad thing. To me the treatment becomes the "thing" that the mind uses to symbolize the path to getting better.
I took minocin for rosacea years ago, and my swollen knuckles did get better. The dermatologist (also a microbiologist) said that minocin is also anti-inflammatory as well as antibiotic. It didn't do anything for my back at the time, before reading Sarno.