Here's an link to an article from the Sunday NY Times on changes in the running shoe industry...for anyone who was following that thread, its interesting. You just want to scream that w/all this stuff in the mainstream media - authors rarely mention psycosomatic causes. They aren't seeing the white elephant in the room.
I post about TMS on a running-barefoot forum all the time, trying to spread the word. I have been running in "less shoe" and barefoot (a bit) for a couple of months now, so I can voice my 2c about TMS without feeling like an outsider.
Have you read "The Tipping Point?" BF running is approaching that point fast. The more times we mention TMS in other circles, the faster it will get there too.
I have been contemplating writing to the Born To Run author in hopes that he will take the next step. From what I hear, he still struggles with his foot pain. But don't quote me.