Dr. Sarno is very much alive and practices in NY. His email address is john.sarno@msnyuhealth.org.
He might respond, but he limits himself to patients in the NY area only. I know that his books have been translated, but I don't know which languages.
You can get his books on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com. The most recent one is "The Mindbody Prescription". His earlier bood is "Healing Back Pain".
There are not that many doctors in the US that deal with TMS - TMS is the name that Sarno gives to all the conditions that are diagnosed incorrectly. I don't know, but am pretty sure you would have trouble finding a doctor there.
I don't know how you could gather Iranian patients, but I'm sure they are all welcome here on this forum.
Hope this helps. Also, how did you hear about this? Polly