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67 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2008 :  13:35:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I went to the dermatologist yesterday - super visit, super guy. He removed one thing from my leg - not surprising as I have had about ten small skin cancers over the years. He also removed something from my back which I don't know what it was. Due to a great deal of stress in my life at the moment I am, of course, thinking the worst-melanoma! He gave no indication of anything serious, no alarm bells, no suggestions to get this taken care of right away. In fact, he said - will let you know the results in a week or two and will see you next year. My husband was with me as we both went for a check up and he so no cause for concern from the doctor.

Even though I know I am freaking unnecessarily, I can't seem to stop. Even when I know I am stressing over this so as to not stress over the "real" things I can't seem to stop worrying and know I will until the results come back. It is not untypical of me to worry over something health related so as to avoid the real pains, and so frustrating to know that but not be able to stop. And yes, I have read Sarno and Weeks and after all these years you would think I would have learned by now!

Any thoughts or tips anyone would care to share? I really don't want to spend the next two weeks worrying - not about this anyway!

Thanks, Dor


284 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2008 :  19:22:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Dor,
I'm not sure how much help I can be.

It can be scary to wait for test results. Don't beat yourself up about it. I don't think that will help you to stop worrying.I don't think you're being a hypochondriac. With the amount of media attention to melanoma lately, we're all thinking we have it.

It does sound reassuring that the Dr. didn't seem very concerned. Have you tried writing about your fears? Sometimes just putting it on paper can help us to stop obsessing about it.Perhaps it would help to talk to a friend.How about taking extra special care of yourself in the meantime or trying a distraction (funny movie,your favorite music, activity, being in get the idea)

Remember that worrying about it won't change anything. I wonder if your frustration about your inability to stop worrying is actually amplifying it. What if you gave yourself some worry time each day, say 20 minutes at 6pm. Other times of the day, if it comes to mind, just gently remind yourself that you don't need to worry about it just then, because you have a time set aside when you will be able to worry.

The only other thought I have is that any one of us could get bad news at any moment. If that realization helps us to enjoy every moment we have and to be grateful for all the good things in our lives, then it could be a good thing.

I hope things turn out for the best.

Take Care,

In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei
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118 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2008 :  08:37:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It helps me when I know I've done all I needed to do. The rest isn't up to me.

You have been to the dermatologist and done your part. Now you need to stop feeling like there's something else you need to do and just enjoy today. If you're feeling good, enjoy that. If you have to deal with something later on deal with it then. Don't waste today acting like there's something wrong. You don't know--it's very likely nothing is wrong. Wait for bad news before deciding to live like there's bad news!

I recently had to go back for a second mammogram after a radiologist thought he saw something. I decided I could worry for a week before my next results or just do what was in my control (go to the second appointment) and live normally. And, I'd rather put off worrying until I knew I had reason to. Fortunately, the second mammogram came back clear. I'm glad I didn't waste a week worrying!
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327 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2008 :  09:00:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
swmr1 is right, you have done all you could do and stressing over it for the next couple weeks won't change the outcome.

I also hate it when they call you back in for a repeat mamo.

Its hard waiting for test results tho, I can relate, and I do think thats why so many people don't get mamo's or that done is they are afraid of knowing.

But you did the right thing by getting it checked out, so if it is anything it would be caught early.
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67 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2008 :  11:09:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you. Your words are very sound and also very right. Were it not me I would be telling someone the exact same things! Thank you all for your kindness and your caring. It means a lot.

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