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 Error on Page 145 of the Divided Mind
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327 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2008 :  18:02:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
he says "This is the way the ideas get from your conscious mind to your unconscious mind. Thats where they have to get to in order for the brain to stop the pain process.

I'm thinking he means " this is the way the ideas get from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind.

right? I mean we are trying to clean out our subconscious mind and get things to the surface.


284 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2008 :  19:10:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Actually, I believe he is saying exactly what he means. I will try to explain my understanding of it.

"he says "This is the way the ideas get from your conscious mind to your unconscious mind. Thats where they have to get to in order for the brain to stop the pain process."

He is saying that the ideas or information about the TMS theory need to go from the conscious mind (intellectually understanding the theory) to the unconscious mind (deeply believing that this is what is causing your symptoms), in order to stop the pain process. This is accomplished by the repetition of reading the information, reminding ourselves repeatedly what is really goin on. Focusing on the psychological realm instead of the physical realm.

"I'm thinking he means " this is the way the ideas get from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind."

It's your feelings/emotions that are trying to go from your unconscious to your conscious awareness.

"right? I mean we are trying to clean out our subconscious mind and get things to the surface."

Yes, exactly, we hope to bring negative feeling/emotions to consciousness and give them a release.

Of course it may also be that we can not really access exactly what hides in the unconscious, but if we can explore our negative feelings and more importantly the beliefs that have created those negative feelings, we can attempt to correct those false beliefs. Those beliefs are most likely what cause us to be so hard on ourselves, which causes us to lose hope, resulting in our unhappiness.

At least this is how I interpret those lines from the book.Hope this helps.


In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei
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5 Posts

Posted - 09/18/2008 :  19:20:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No, I don't think so. The key is to create a communication link FROM the conscious TO the subconscious. In other words, it is the subconscious that has taken control by implementing a programmed response built upon a pain strategy. And, unfortunately, the subconscious is not open to reason, rationale, or logic of any kind. Like a spoiled child, it unleashes the pain to create a diversion from the emotional scars it deems are better left repressed. The key is to get ideas from the conscious to the unconscious in a way the unconscious can be convinced to let go of its flagrant use of pain as a solution. Establishing the communication link can be time consuming, complicated, and frustrating. But, until that link is created, secured, and successfully used, the unconscious maintains its control and dictates its fear-based desires. It truly results in the "divided mind."

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1864 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2008 :  09:45:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LuvtoSew
right? I mean we are trying to clean out our subconscious mind and get things to the surface.

No, this is not the goal of TMS treatment, because it is not something that can really be done.

If along the process of recovery you can discover repressed feelings and bring them to the surface, that is a bonus, but by definition we cannot access those feelings directly.

What Dr. Sarno is saying is that understanding something on a conscious level alone doesn't work. The concepts must seep into our unconscious. This cannot be accomplished by our intellectual minds. If anything, intellectualizing and analyzing stands in the way of the process.
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327 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2008 :  10:22:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So how do they seep into the unconscious mind? I thought it was by postive reinforcement, telling your brain to stop it and you know what its doing, and changing your thinking.
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25 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2008 :  19:13:45  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Repetition seems to work best for getting the message to the unconscious. It makes sense really... think about how it works for something like driving. At first, you have to think about everything you do and every move you make. The more you drive, the more automatic these things are, and eventually you are able to drive almost entirely unconsciously. You can't just say to yourself "I want to be a perfect driver" as soon as you get your license and expect to be an expert; You may KNOW HOW to drive (analogous to knowing emotions are the cause of your symptoms) but this doesn't mean all the little tidbits to driving well have sunken in to your subconscious. It's pretty much the same thing with TMS and changing your unconscious response to things.

Edited by - ChrisSC on 09/19/2008 19:24:30
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284 Posts

Posted - 09/19/2008 :  19:30:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Excellent analogy ChrisSC


In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei
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1864 Posts

Posted - 09/20/2008 :  10:19:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LuvtoSew

So how do they seep into the unconscious mind? I thought it was by postive reinforcement, telling your brain to stop it and you know what its doing, and changing your thinking.

By doing instead of thinking.

Resuming normal physical activity is essential, as is re-focusing your thoughts on difficult psychological issues. These send a signal to your unconscious that its distraction strategy is failing.
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327 Posts

Posted - 09/21/2008 :  06:13:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks everyone, guess I'll reread that section. I see what the difference is now.
Yes I can see where just ignoring the symptoms and pushing through them would be best way to reinforce it. Thats the part thats easier said than done due to the fear, fear seems to be my worst obstacle now. You know understanding the process and knowing what needs to be done, and actually doing it are two different things.
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