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327 Posts |
Posted - 09/16/2008 : 17:59:01
Just wondering if most of everyone on this board is self-diagnosed tms or have had a dr. tell them tms. |
266 Posts |
Posted - 09/17/2008 : 04:28:39
self-diagnosed personally. i dont need no stinkin doctors to tell me what
--- author of tms-recovery . com
(not sh!t, champagne)
284 Posts |
Posted - 09/17/2008 : 06:06:37
Hi, I think you'll find a combination on the board.
I have never been diagnosed by a TMS MD. But having tried most other treatments available without success and seeing myself on every page of Healing Back Pain, I recovered gradually after reading and applying Dr. Sarno's theory.Being the type of person who needs proof, I also read lots of other books on the mindbody connection and they all fit with his theory.
I had ten years of chronic upper back pain and the last year was so bad I became almost debilitated. My story is written in my review of HBP on (dated June 2008).
It has been over 8 years and I'm still doing great, so I would say I had TMS, since Dr. Sarno's approach is the only one that worked. That's proof enough for me!!! Sarno Rocks!
Take Care, Peg
In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual. Galileo Galilei |
327 Posts |
Posted - 09/17/2008 : 06:20:35
Peg- I'll read your review. I think most of the people here are self dx. too. Actually Sarnos approach can't hurt you if you have been checked out by your medical doctor , I'm meaning lab work and maybe a brain MRI if symptoms warrant to rule out other causes. I know a 23 year old who had weakness and tingling in her left arm and hand and they told her RSI but it turned out she had a brain tumor( rare event but does happen). |
16 Posts |
Posted - 09/17/2008 : 06:20:41
I also agree that you don't need a Dr. to tell you although it could be useful if you are trying to rid yourself of the idea that maybe just maybe your pain is from something physical. Personally, no one has ever told me I have anything physically wrong with my back outside of a slight slipped disc in my neck that showed up on an X-ray. But that didn't stop me from trying to blame it on anything I could. I just saw a TMS doctor who confirmed it's TMS. It was a pretty useless excercise. He just told me to read Sarno again and recommended another couple of books as well. |
Edited by - Mely on 09/17/2008 06:46:04 |
327 Posts |
Posted - 09/17/2008 : 07:35:12
Peg- read your story. It always make me feel better just reading the testimonials and success stories.  |
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