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16 Posts |
Posted - 09/09/2008 : 12:49:04
Hi all,
I'm new here. I've had TMS symptoms in retrospect for many years but most noticeably the last 1.5 years. I have trigger points everywhere. When I have a flare up I'm in pain and even when I feel relatively ok, those spots always burn when I touch them. They feel like a bruise but even after letting go, the burning sensation lingers for a while. It got much better after reading Dr. Sarno's book(s) but it is flaring up again. I found a TMS Dr. in my area and will be visiting him for a TMS evaluation this week which I've never had.
My GP ran some routine blood tests, one of which was a screening test for Lupus since my late father had it. The test is called Antinuclear Ab and it came back positive. Let me add that I have Hashimoto's disease that is treated and my TSH level was in range. In advance of seeing my GP next week after some other tests come back, does anyone have any experience with this blood test and how it might (or might not) be connected with TMS?
272 Posts |
Posted - 09/11/2008 : 19:49:27
A positive ANA is not a feature of TMS, but by no means does it exclude it. ANA by itself is neither specific nor sensitive enough to rule in or rule out lupus (or any other autoimmune disease for that matter). It needs to be assessed in relation to the rest of your profile, i.e., history/symptoms, physical exam, other labs and studies, etc. Only then can its significance (if any) be ascertained.
Go see a rheumatologist and see what diagnosis they give you. If its fibromylagia, then you know you have TMS. They are more than qualified to tell you if you need to be concerned about lupus. Your vague descriptions sound more like TMS than lupus to me. Lupus is usually associated with joint pain more so than muscle pain, but then again lupus is known to be a possible cause for any and every symptom known to man. Stay positive and follow through with your medical care. Good luck!
Best, MK
Edited by - mk6283 on 09/11/2008 19:59:32 |

63 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2008 : 17:59:12
I do have experience with this test. My first set of symptoms (that I identified as TMS)were about 8 years ago. I was having ulnar tunnel type symptoms. The orthopedic doctor I was seeing sent me for this test, which turned out to be positive. He ran it by a rheumatologist, thinking maybe I had lupus. The rheumatologist didnt even want to see me based on the fact that I did not have other indicating factors for lupus. He did say that a certain percentage of the population just have this indicator positive and it is normal for them. I later learned about TMS and starting treating my symptoms as TMS, upon which they went away.
It scared the heck out of me, but at the same time reminded me how imperfect medicine is. I was also once diagnosed in my early 20's with mitral valve prolapse, only to be told 10 years later that "no you dont have mitral valve prolapse - the criteria for it have changed over the years." - go figure!!
Please dont worry yourself over the positive ANA test prematurely!!
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