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 Good days/ Bad days- advice please
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Posted - 05/29/2008 :  11:09:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Just wanted some feedback on how my TMS recovery is going.I'm convinced I have TMS and I can't wait to be pain free. I know I have it because I have very good days when my symptoms seem to dissolve and I get this amazing feeling(tingly, goosebumps,it's hard to describe but kind of simular to after you've had a massage and are very relaxed).
For about a month I've been getting these very good days but then the next day everything will seize up again and I can't seem to do anything to make the pain go away(neck, low back,sciatica,headaches). I might have a few bad days and then all of a sudden I'll get the amazing days again. This pattern keeps going on.
Has anyone else had this kind of pattern? Will it eventually all just go away if I ignore it or do you think I have more work to do? Any feedback or similar experienced would be helpful.


391 Posts

Posted - 05/31/2008 :  10:06:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi southpaw,

It seems to be very common for people here to have ups and downs in their TMS progress, particularly early in the process. The fact that you do have good days is a very good sign.

When you ask if it will all just go away if you ignore it, generally people seem to have success when they learn to ignore the fear and try not to let pain limit them. I recently had success overcoming some foot pain that did not disappear quickly like some of my other symptoms did, and the reason I finally overcame it was that I got to a point where I stopped thinking "Maybe there is a structural cause for this particular spot on my body." I decided to try pushing through it and I got caught up enough in the activity that day that I forgot to worry about my foot and the pain stopped. It has tried to return, but I've been able to keep it away by telling my brain it can't fool me about that foot anymore. I'm still working on some of my other symptoms, but resolving the foot issue has been encouraging for me. It's one more physical limit that I don't worry about anymore.

Are you able to connect the relapses to any particular type of conscious emotional trigger? If you feel like you've done the work of acknowledging past emotions, then it may not be a case of needing to dig more, it may just be a case of learning to overcome the expectation of pain. It's hard to say, though, because each person is unique, so you'll have to figure out what kind of additional work you may need or not need.

Best wishes for continued progress.
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29 Posts

Posted - 06/02/2008 :  09:09:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the reply Littlebird,
Yes I think the fear is probably still a big factor for me. There have been a few posts about fear lately so I've been trying to think about that.
Before I found out about Sarno I was convinced I had SI joint dysfunction causing the sciatica and hip out of whack feeling. I also had a scary sounding deformity in my neck which I think I've always attributed to my neck pain. Even though a neurologist told me the symptoms were not coming from the deformity I couldn't figure out where else the pain, headaches and dizziness were coming from.
Chiropractors have told me I'll always have problems in this area because of crowding in the skull, so contributing to the fear. They've also said I had one leg shorter then the other which I now beleive to be a load of crap.
This may take a while I guess, I'm trying to convince myself that I've always had this neck deformity but have lived 30 years without pain so I can be pain free once again.
So far I haven't connected any emotional triggers to the setbacks but I can think of things I've said and done before the good days. One day after a day of standing at a convention(standing and shopping always bring pain) I talked to my husband saying,"why is it that standing brings so much pain, I know 80 year olds that can stand all day but I get pain after standing for 30 minutes?" To my amazement the pain went away. Things like talking out loud seem to help but not permanently.
I've tried running which I thought would be damaging to my hip and neck and for the first three times it brought more pain so I stopped. I tried again a few days ago and it didn't bring pain so now I have the courage to try again.
Sorry I'm rambling but I think you are right about the fear, I will now try to give the fear a good kick in the arse.
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