I have had levator ani syndrome for 4 months now. Im a pre-med student and I work full time. 10 years ago i was diagnosed with chronic migraines. I beat that, then I pursued a career in medicine. Last semester I developed this pain in my butt. Only, its no fun like the saying "youre a pain in my ass" its real.
I believe that we will all get better. Chronic pain is not allowed to take over our lives and defeat us.
I just keep praying to have my old butt back.
I can't run or work out like I used to. The depression and symptoms follow the pain obviously- nobody should live this way.
I will rememeber this when I'm a doctor but the pain makes it hard to get where I need to be in my career in order to help others.
I sleep on a heating pad at night. I take hot baths (when we have enough hot water at my apt!)
I see a psychologist at school who thinks I should try doing anti-depressants for the pain. I've taken those before for migraines and it seemed to give me more side effects than anything.
My colorectal surgeon prescribed muscle relaxers that make me feel ill with headache and drowsiness.
I just pray we all get better. A life in pain isnt much life at all.
I can't afford a doctor right now on top of everything I have to pay for. I guess that doesnt make it much easier.
Stress is probably the reason I'm here in the first place.
Repressed anxiety? repressed stress? It sneaks out in the form of pain.
Levator ani syndrome is TMS. Having the past history of migraines (especially having conquered them) makes TMS even more likely as your diagnosis. I guess I just want to give you some more confidence that you are doing (I hope) exactly what you need to be doing to get better. Don't just appreciate the theory -- do the work and you'll be fine. Good luck Theresa.