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 Chest rawness
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1903 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2007 :  16:01:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I posted about this once before, though I didn't much in the way of replies....

Here's the deal..A raw feeling in my lungs, though it's possible it's really my throat...hard to tell...It comes and goes. Sometimes it kicks in when I start exercising, gets better as I warm up, then sometimes comes back later in the day. Yesterday I went swimming at the Y, and it made it noticeably worse, which leads me to believe something real's going on...I can go for days without feeling it, but then it comes back...

IT tends to go away at night, and come back during the day.

So, not sure...Possible allergies? Maybe the air quality isn't the best in this hot and humid summer? The air conditioner is running all night, I wonder if that's a factor...

No other symptoms along with it...No coughing, phlegm, nothing along those lines...

Thought I'd throw this out and see if anyone's got an idea...

Many thanks,


Edited by - art on 08/11/2007 16:01:58


783 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2007 :  16:38:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
what is/was your line of work?
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1903 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2007 :  18:19:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Nothing that would account for anything like that...
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182 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2007 :  19:49:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I run a business selling air purifiers and air cleaners through an online eCommerce store. I've been doing that full time for the past 4 years. I can say from experience and from tons of customer feedback - that air quality can greatly affect your respiratory health.

When you indicated swimming made things worse, you could have been reacting to the high chlorine levels in the air. Exercise can also trigger symptoms that don't appear during normal activities.

Could it be allergies? Yes.
Could it be mild Asthma? Yes.

Air conditioning will help because with AC running - humidity levels are down and mold spore count is down as well.

I suggest you start a log on when you feel it - where you are - what external factors are influencing how you feel, what you ate in the hours before etc. See if any patterns develop. If you see a doctor about it, they will ask you the same questions.

First off: Sarno says allergies and asthma can be TMS. Perhaps. If you're doing the TMS work anyway - see if it clears up. But in the case of allergies and asthma - my personal belief is that WHAT you breathe definitely can affect your respiratory function.

I have had customers go from 3 asthma attacks a week in their own homes to zero by adding proper air cleaning. And while you can't clean the air out in public, my thoughts are that your tolerance to outside triggers will be higher if your exposure at home is minimized. Like TMS and the reservoir of rage - it's all cumulative. The more we can do to minimize exposure to air pollutants at home - the more we'll be able to tolerate when we leave our homes.

Art: Feel free to email me directly if you wish to discuss this further. I'd be glad to talk to you and provide you my office toll free number. I'm not posting it here since I know advertising is frowned upon in the forum.

Hope this helps.


PS: Since I don't have significant allergies or asthma, I can't say from personal experience what it feels like.

Edited by - Webdan65 on 08/11/2007 19:51:03
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130 Posts

Posted - 08/11/2007 :  20:28:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My thought is that if its only been a few days of this thing, prior to teh time of your original post, its once again TMS. The reason is how many men focus on "a raw feeling in their lungs" and post about it on the internet?

Thats not a criticism at all. Its just sort of an observation of someone who is new to the forum. If you just stand back for a second, and imagine sort of visiting a forum thats frequented by people with self-identified mind-body disorders and psychosomatic disorders. And then read your post as if you didnt write it. Its classic. The high level of symptom analysis..the tracking of its temporal ternds and behavioral correlates...its a dead ringer psyvchosomatic thing.

Your pain is real, but its also psychosomatic. DOnt worry about it and assume it will go away.
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1903 Posts

Posted - 08/12/2007 :  09:53:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
how many men focus on "a raw feeling in their lungs" and post about it on the internet?

As opposed to how many women?

I've had this for some months now off and on. That it got worse after swimming in an indoor, heavily chorinated pool has me thinking "real deal." On the other hand, there are certain features that have that psychosomatic feel. For one thing, it tends to not be bothersome at night...But that could also be environmental...certain pollens or whatever..

Thanks for all that info Webdan...Lot's of food for thought...

Edited by - art on 08/12/2007 09:54:24
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Czech Republic
2048 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2007 :  17:01:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yeah, I get that sometimes but I just consider it to be TMS and it lifts.

Sarno-ize it!
Read chapter 4 of Dr. Sarno's "The Divided Mind." It's all you need to know in order to recover.
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1903 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2007 :  18:10:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That's interesting Shawn. Nice to hear. Well, I mean, not nice to hear that you suffer with this as well, but helps to have company...

I really have a hard time thinking of this as TMS. On the other hand, with the exception of staying out of that pool for a while, I'm not letting it affect my life or my activities in the least...I'm also not about to see a doctor about it...

So in practice, it almost doesn't matter what I call it, at least for now.
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182 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2007 :  18:13:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I got the CD's for The Divided Mind and I heard something that passed me by before. That Asthma and Allergies could be TMS. Not because of the presence or lack of airborne triggers, but due to an overactive immune system caused by TMS. I had read this before, but because it wasn't something I was dealing with personally, it passed me by. This time as a result of this thread, I "heard" the message this time.

Stay away from the medicines for control of allergy or asthma symptoms. My personal belief is that allergy and asthma medicine just will just suppress symptoms and not get to the cause. Just like treatment for pain is addressing the symptom, not the cause.

I have a pretty strong aversion to medicine in general.

I guess I would say that treating it as TMS should be your plan of action until your symptoms are proven otherwise.

The great news is that unlike many modes of conventional medical treatment with medicine and procedures - there are no negative side effects that I am aware of in applying the TMS treatment process to your ailments.


Edited by - Webdan65 on 08/14/2007 06:10:05
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63 Posts

Posted - 08/13/2007 :  20:31:38  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I too have posted about something similar and did not get many replies. My symptom relates to chest pressure/pain/heaviness, pectoral soreness, lump in the throat sensation. At times I could describe it as a chest rawness. I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia and mild refux, which did not respond at all to reflux medicines. The only thing which helps is klonopin. So, I am thinking it is definately TMS / anxiety.

As a trained counselor I have observed over and over again that when some clients decribe very deeply sad emotions they gesture with their dominant hand/fist to their chest area, as if to suggest that their emotions were heart-wrenching. I once asked a client when she was gesturing, what the hand moving towards the chest was all about. She said that the <situation> just "really hurt".

I have also read in medical literature that the autonomic nervous system controls smooth muscle tissue, of which there is a lot in the chest area. I know a doctor who has told me that the whole digestive tract is very sensitive to emotional issues, I guess because so much of it is lined with smooth muscle tissue.

I have been struggling with my symptom now for over a year and just started psychotherapy last week with a therapist who specializes in mind/body. Could not exactly find a "Sarno" doctor, but think I have found someone close enough.

If you have not been sensitive to allergies most of your life, why now would this be happening to you? When you say it goes away at night, do you mean "while you sleep" or "in the evening time"? I know that while you sleep, your autonomic nervous system does a bit of recovery.

Hope this helps.
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