I DO NOT have to be nice. I DO NOT have to be pleasant. I DO NOT have to be reasonable. I DO NOT need to be liked. I DO NOT have to live up to ANYONE'S expectations. I DO NOT have to be entertaining or fun. I am NO ONE'S dancing monkey or walk-over.
I DO NOT need to have the last word. I DO NOT need to be right or always win. I DO NOT need to avoid conflict. I DO NOT have to tolerate disrespect. I can WALK AWAY from any situation or person making me uncomfortable.
I DO NOT need to stay young forever. I DO NOT need to be seen as cool or attractive. I just have to be content in myself.
Life IS NOT to be feared. There is NOTHING I cannot handle when it comes along. We were all born on Earth for the adventure!
and lastly...
I DO NOT have to suffer TMS symptoms and pain.
That's mine. Yours may vary. ;-))
-- "What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves." Robert Anton Wilson