I obviously havent read the book Ralph referenced yet (frederic shiffer's 'of two minds..), but i did read a couple online articles on the subject of the left-right brain split. Fascinating stuff! Since all my weaknesses are on the right side, this implies my left brain is the disturbed side (i think!) So, by Shiffer's theory, i assume i should try to use my right (healthy side) to try to comfort/treat my left brain. Worth a try, i suppose--will give it a go!
Wow, this is totally wild! i just took an online test and found that i am HUGELY right brain dominated! I also took this visual test and the right brain definitely dominated. I'm blown away, cause i think this is definitely tied in to the TMS ide--not sure how yet! http://www.web-us.com/brain/Visual_Test_Hemispheric_Dominance.htm