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1516 Posts

Posted - 01/27/2007 :  21:32:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Friends,
Is it any wonder the tightness is back in my skull..I am also having some pain in the left hand again..I have been back in Vegas for 2 weeks..And the conflicts inside are unparalleled..I feel like I am living a double here and one in NYC..And I suppose there is alot of repressed rage and sadness about many areas of life...I won't bore you with the details..It's just a tough time..The good news is that my doggies are thrilled to see me, and they calm me greatly...I don't know if any of your read the other post wherein I was telling those who showed some interest that my website is finally finished..text and all..check it out if you get a chance..

I hope no one yells at me for suggesting this..I won't do it again..I suggested it b4 prematurely when it was only 1/4 of the way done..I am very excited because this is the first time I had my own website for my I just want to share..Hope to hear from some of my buddies on here..and from anyone who can relate to this post..
Hugs and God bless,


666 Posts

Posted - 01/28/2007 :  19:35:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I'm probably not a very good judge of art, but I sure was impressed with the photo of you on your website!

I hope things get better for you once you get back to NYC. I don't know if you caught the most recent version of "The Global Warming Battles" but remember, you started out the last one that ran for 20 pages before it was deleted?
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1516 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2007 :  13:37:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanx Wrldtrv,
No I haven't checked out the newest global warming thread..and I won't ever forget that I innocently started the other one that went on forever...I learned my lesson well...Hope your are doing well...
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1516 Posts

Posted - 01/29/2007 :  15:35:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
PS..the ridiculous stress I am under, coupled with my neck TMS acting up again has made it difficult for me to want to think or read about subjects like global warming...
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17 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  09:34:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Karen, you were warned in this thread about your "advertising" I thought you were clear that advertising should be limited to the notes in your personal profile. What's wrong with you. Why are you using this forum to try to hock your paintings. Do you even suffer from TMS?

You might want to get a clue.
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1397 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  09:44:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Helen, jeez. Karen is a regular poster and is a friend of a number of us. If you have issues with her, just don't look at the threads. And questioning whether someone even has TMS (in the sense of wondering if they suffer from pain at all) is completely inappropriate for the board. This is a SUPPORT board.

ETA: Karen, your art is so beautiful. I can't imagine that I could afford any of it but if I could I would love to buy a piece!

Wherever you go, there you are.

Edited by - armchairlinguist on 01/30/2007 09:46:18
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17 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  10:26:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Advertising is explicitly talked about in the Policy. See "Policy" link above. I guess we should have Dave re-write the policy to say advertising is OK if you are a regular poster.
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1397 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  15:51:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I guess that Dave will do what he wants. It's his forum. If he has a problem with Karen's posts, he will no doubt tell her. You don't need to do his job.

In my experience Dave is a very reasonable guy, and the policies are intended to prevent abusive behavior -- not to regulate people's pleasant personal communication about their lives and their experiences with TMS. Insofar as I think Karen's art is extremely expressive of emotions and could be helpful to evoke emotions in other viewers, it's even on-topic.

Seriously, just walk away from the thread if you don't like it.

Wherever you go, there you are.
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1516 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  19:03:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh my goodness...Thank you soooo much ACL for standing up for me against the over the top attack...Guess Helen has some anger issues she needed to project somewhere..
I sooo appreciate the compliments on my art, you are very kind!
And all Helen would have to do is go back to many months ago and see all my posts about being completely incapacitated for months from TMS..I had no website then..I was just trying to share something positive..You always uplift me...I can't thank you enough!
Hugs and blessings my friend,
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152 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  19:55:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Your paintings are absolutely stunning. The brilliant colors just draw you in. The impressionist ones are my favorite. I wish you the best w/your talent. -Nor
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152 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  19:57:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh yeah, one more thing. Helen B. - we're also not supposed to harass eachother on this forum either. "Get a clue"? Please. My 4th-grader says that. -Nor
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1516 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  20:08:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks so much Nor! Your message made me feel so good..I am glad you enjoyed the art! My TMS is flaring up, big time, right now...Knee and neck at the same time...I guess I have to get back to the journaling again...I never did that seriously enough..So busy with my art,but that's no excuse..The extra weight from the holidays isn't helping my health either..Gives the TMS more of an excuse to play it's games with me..Hope you are doing great! Thanx again my friend!
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tennis tom

4749 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  21:03:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"...Guess Helen has some anger issues she needed to project somewhere.."
No, I think HelenB is just angry that the rules of the board are being broken. She is not projecting but is being quite direct about what is angering her.

I personaly don't care if SA plugs her art, but I support HelenB's right to point out that it is clearly against stated board policy. SA knows this and even stated in the past that she wouldn't do it again.

Although this board is used for support, that was never the intent of it's founder AustinGary. It's purpose is to educate and disucuss TMS "knowledge" which is what Dr. Sarno states is the medicine that is required to "cure" TMS psychosomatic pain.

E-mail is available for personal messages. Support without TMS knowledge/penicilin is enabling and counter-productive.

I hope SA sells some of her art and that the first thing she does with the proceeds is make an appointment to see the Good Doctor.

Edited by - tennis tom on 01/30/2007 21:10:26
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1516 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  21:36:20  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Tom,
Thanx, I think...I sometimes find your messages confusing as to where you are coming from..that had gotten us into trouble in the past..I do appreciate the comment about hoping I can sell some art to see Dr. Sarno, that would be wonderful..Appreciate the well wishes in this regard...

As for breaking the rules, you are one of the top people on here who has engaged in many off topic subjects, including the infamous thread I started about global warming awhile ago, to name just one..

I put up the site address one more last time as per the request of Shawn who kindly said that seeing beautiful things was a positive contribution to the board...Thank you Shawn!

There were others who had no problem whatsoever with me sharing my work since the website is brand new and a big part of my life..I have made many friends on here and rather then write each one separately, this was an easier way to share..

This website has been a very long time coming and I have endured great pain on many levels, as you know, for quite a long time...I just wanted to share something POSITIVE for a change...Is there really something that terribly wrong with that? I am not planning on making a habit of it, as I stated clearly...

It is the last and final time I will ever mention my site on here again, except in response to something in this thread...I also spoke of some TMS issues I am dealing with at the same time...In any case, I still think and, I am not alone, that Helen was out of line with her sarcastic and nasty message. I never meant any harm and to accuse me of not even having TMS was also way out of line..Thank God for Nor, ACL and Wrldtrv!

Enough said..I don't feel well enough to get into another argument with you, that is for sure..Thanx again for the well wishes on the art...
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1516 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  21:49:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
PS...Also, as I mentioned in the initial post..When I shared my site the first time it was only 1/4 of the way done..I was so excited about it, I shared it prematurely..That is another reason why I shared it again..It is finally complete..I don't do well with downright nastiness and sarcasm so...Again and again, thanx to ACL, Nor and Wrldtrv for your kind support that softened the blow..:))Guess being an artist and musician with TMS makes me extra sensitive..

Your thought about my art evoking emotions and therefore being even 'on topic' was awesome!! Thank you!
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tennis tom

4749 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  22:21:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"As for breaking the rules, you are one of the top people on here who has engaged in many off topic subjects, including the infamous thread I started about global warming awhile ago, to name just one.."

Not so SA. You started that topic, all I did was rebut misinformation. You are going off-topic again, we were discussing advertising business websites. As I said, I don't give a hoot if you post your web-site, I just felt it was unfair to HelenB to pile on her when she was abosolutely right in calling you on it. If I were busted for breaking the rules, I would be contrite and apologetic rather than combative.

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1516 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2007 :  23:07:05  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
We'll have to agree to disagree on this Tom..very strongly..Take care,
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United Kingdom
120 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2007 :  05:28:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
How can you even question if someone who's made over 700 posts "even has TMS"?!!

There's a difference between just pointing out a rule and being rude and disrespectful. We've had spammers in the forum for sure, but Karen isn't one of them.

In Brady's book he talks about the "legalist" personality type suffering from TMS- the ones who expect the world to all stick to the rules, and who rage against any small deviation from them as if it was a personal attack. This thread seems to offer good support to his theory!

I guess it's good to be in touch with this type of anger, but it's not really helpful to project it onto others here. The idea that rules are more important than feelings has probably contributed to many people here getting TMS. Remember rule 1 - it's all about the emotions, folks! Think psychological!

peace out!


"What the Thinker thinks, the Prover proves."
Robert Anton Wilson

Edited by - floorten on 01/31/2007 05:33:12
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tennis tom

4749 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2007 :  06:48:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
"'s all about the emotions, folks!"


It sounds like Helen B was practicing that principle with her emotional reaction. I don't think she was projecting. To be projecting she would have to have posted her web site. I think Helen B may have overstated her position a tad but given the historical context of SA having broken that forum rule before, Helen B's frustration may have some basis in fact. Not picking sides here, just trying to be fair and balanced.
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596 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2007 :  07:49:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Greg- Funny, I was going to make a reference on legalism, with a boring and only pseudo-relevant reference to the old Chinese legalist period. Thank goodness you made a more appropriate reference before I got started.

I'm not going to get into the main question again; I said what I wanted to in the previous thread. I support Karen and personally have no problem with the listing of her site, but I can see how the more legalist position might be opposed. No, what I am going to do is take back my promise not to go "Miss Manners" on this, by doing just that.

From Miss Manners Guide for the Turn of the Millennium, pp121-122

"[Miss Manners] is sorely tried by would-be etiquetteers who report legitamate instances of other people's outrageous behavior and then triumphantly recount how they smashed 'em one in order to further the cause of good manners. The challenge of manners is not so much to be nice to someone whose favor and/or person you covet (although more people need to be reminded of that necessity than one would suppose) as to be exposed to the bad manners of others without imitating them.
Miss Manners understands perfectly well that one reason retaliatory rudeness is popular is that the only alternative imagined is saintly (or wimpy) sufferance. Not at all. Polite fighting back requires discipline and often patience, but it actually works better. The first line of defense is to offer a face-saving way for the offender to retreat from the offense...Transgressions that cannot be allowed to pass so easily because of their consequences require more persistent politeness.
But even if correcting others' behavior unasked were not in itself a violation of etiquette, the sad fact is that you cannot give instant etiquette lessons that will casually change people's behavior for the better. Such engagements are only too likely to lead instead to a change of hostilities characterized by further rudeness."

In case anyone thinks that I have some excessive goodist tendancy that has me reading Miss Manners daily, I had to search the basement for this quote, not having opened the book in years. But I do think there are standards which are disrupting when not maintained, and there are ways to handle perceived violations of etiquette.

Btw Karen, whatever else you do, you really ought to put your website in your bio so those of us who are interested can easily find it in the future. Thanks.

Edited by - alexis on 01/31/2007 09:24:40
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17 Posts

Posted - 01/31/2007 :  08:58:13  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by tennis tom
I personaly don't care if SA plugs her art, but I support HelenB's right to point out that it is clearly against stated board policy. SA knows this and even stated in the past that she wouldn't do it again.

Thanks, Tom. That's all I'm sayin' She plugged her art once and it caused a little controversy, and here she is doing it again. That's all I'm sayin'.

Karen, I do owe you an apology for doubting if you have TMS. Of course, you do. If anything, I think you have it so bad you expect people to "go easy" on you because you're in so much pain. I'm sorry for saying that I doubted you had TMS. No doubt.

Originally posted by singer_artist
I have made many friends on here and rather then write each one separately, this was an easier way to share..

Let me point out that Wavy_Soul did the proper and tasteful thing, by putting her commercial web site in her profile notes. If Karen really wanted to "tell all her friends" about her site, all she has to do is remind people to check her profile for her site.
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