Any thoughts out there about 1) which audios / videos are particularly effective, and 2) whether audio versus video in general is "better"? All things being equal I would try the audio route as I could use it while walking - maybe it would be a good pain distraction.
Are the audios verbatim renditions of the books, or are there actually audios out there that are more like summaries ~1 hour in length?
I believe I've read all of the TMS books over the last few years. For me, the most straightforward are Healing Back Pain by Sarno, and To Be or Not to be Pain Free by Marc Sopher. The Divided Mind has some very good chapters that bring up stuff not addressed in earlier books, but overall the book seems a bit disjointed or choppy - the parts don't always flow together.
By audios you mean like the read out loud versions of the books? You've already read the books, but I don't know about other audio's, please enlighten me. :)
I also wish downloadable videos were available for everyone who purchased the books, since I am interested but with shipment and all I could start my own studio's.
Anyway, I can't really answer your question since I only read and read..