Before I read Sarno, I had chest pains bad enough for a trip to the ER and a night in the Hospital for observation. I also did the full heart work-up (stress test, bloodwork, etc...). I was given a clean bill of health, no heart problems. I found Sarno when I was dealing with Lower back pain and reading him solved my back problems. Unfortunately, TMS them manifested itself in my chest with frequent chest pains. Eventually, I was able to focus on the fact that I just received (2 months prior) a clean bill of health and was able to deal with it as TMS and deal with a good deal of the fear. However, the heart is one thing you don't want to automatically say is TMS. See a doctor about the chest pains, in the long run it will help you reduce a great deal of the fear and anxiety. Sorry for the lond response, but I hope that helps. |