I have a couple questions. what test has everbody had to rule out another series conditions like cancer of the bone? I had a MRI and Xray in june 05 when i hurt my back. I was wondering if that is enough?
This morning I was kneeling and leening forward and felt a pull in my left lower back . now im in a lot pain AGAIN and cant get off the couch. Had any of you ever felt the pull?
Hi I am going to have to go out on a limb here and recommend a non sarno book on back pain. It is called healing back pain naturally by Art Brownstein. It does a great job focusing on anxiety and its effects on the back. He had major back problems himself. for some reason this book really hit home with me and made a big difference. Though I appreciate Sarnos ideas, I found that I got better and longer results focusing on my consious thioughts, daily stresses and being aware of my anxious, overreactive personality. This combined with the knowledge that my back was basically ok and daily relaxation exercises helped. I did not get much relief trying to find my unconsious rage. Anyway-it is just a possible suggestion. Different things work for different people. Good luck.