Hi I am a nurse anesthetist. Yesterday I had the unfortunate experience of having to do back and neck fusions. I know in some cases it may be necessary, but to see these people who are in so much pain putting all of their faith in these procedures was very disturbing. To make matters worse this particular surgeon is an a**hole. After my experiences with the inability of traditional medicine to solve my neck pain and my rec`ent onse of unilateral deafness due to a viral infection, I feel like I have lost faith in medicine. I have lost faith in my career! It has been difficult to remain focused on the good things in medicine. Just needed to vent-R
I can understand your frustration, but I invite you to subject your thinking to the set of following question and look inside yourself for the answer that is true for you.
You stated that due to your "After my experiences with the inability of traditional medicine....I have lost faith in medicine."
Is that true?
Can you absolutley know that is true
How do react when you think the thought that "After my experiences with the inability of traditional medicine....I have lost faith in medicine."
And finally, who would you be without the thought that "After my experiences with the inability of traditional medicine....I have lost faith in medicine."
I look forward to your answers... Look inside yourself deeply before answering.
What a tough position to be in Becca. All medicine isn't bad, but it appears you have the difficult job of watching people suffer. Perhaps this will reinforce the TMS theory for you, and help you help others before they reach the surgery point.