I think I have this on the run I have eliminated the pelvic pain, however yesterday I got lower back pain and burning for the first time in my life, I then ignored that which then turned into pelvic pain again and then to anxiety. Later on in the evening they were all gone. This morning I have the anxiety but will ignore that aswell.
Any comments would be welcome. Similar experiences?????????????
Since I started buckling down and applying the TMS techniques, really trying my hardest to ignore the symptoms, I too have noticed new ones cropping up! I'm trying my best to ignore them.
my pain has switched from right abdominal and groin pain to left abdominal and groin pain......when i started running and swimming again! and because i am carrying on running and swimming it is starting in the left thigh.
I think in my own case it was enlightening to me that once I was pain free in my primary locus; neck,arm, radiculopathy stuff I developed minor but irritating and DISTRACTING pains in a few places that prior to understanding a little of TMS these pains would have been alarming and anxiety producing. It seemed to me at the time, fairly obvious that this was a feeble attempt by "baby Joey" to gain a foothold. Each time an ache or pain would arise I was instantly suspiscious and sniggered in contempt telling my inner bambino to QUIT IT! All of my own self talk is overly simplistic as if I'm dealing with an untrained pet; someone or thing that I love but won't hesitate to slap on the nose for peeing on my inner sofa. I did not ignore the pain but addressed it firmly and directly whenever it arose; chest, L knee,ankle etc. Personally I'm a wuss and never have been able to ignore any kind of pain or for that matter anxiety unless I was medicated or drunk or both.