I am truly amazed at what my mind has done to my body. I have had terrible hip pain for at least two months. Diagnosed with bursitis, doing physical therapy, talking anti-inflamatories and here I am, christmas day, I was at work and I twinged my back. I had to leave early and now I have serious back pain. What happen to my hip pain? ALL GONE. I now believe it is all in my head, I had a good cry, but I want this back pain to be gone. just need a little support. How long will this take to get better? Why can't I get better now??! I am so ticked off at what my mind has done to me
Back and hip-pain aside, what has been happening in your emotional world?
A very simplistic guess but could the fact of having to work on Xmas day have been the "straw that broke the camel's back"? (Think Sarno's "reservoir of rage").