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 sciatica fable
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210 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2005 :  12:45:52  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yesterday I experienced sciataca on my right side. I've never experienced it there before. It concerned me for a bit because I've been doing well, and I was wondering why I would all of a sudden get sciatteca in a way that I haven't before.

I wondered about it for a bit and thoughts of one of my aunts came up. She's in her upper 70's and has been experiencing siatticca lately. I've been postponing calling her, but finally realized that I should call her right away. I called her and my case of seiaticca immediately went away. I had dinner with her, spoke to her about how her sciettica probably has a psychological origin as opposed to a physical origin. Hopefully she'll respond to the conversation well.

I know that TMS is supposed to be about rage, but in my experience physical symptoms tell me that there is something I need to look at. Sometimes I'll feel a sore spot. I'll focus my attention there until some psychological issue comes to mind. After I look at the issue in a clear way, the soreness will go away. This has happened for me more than once.

P.S. I purposely spelled sciaetic differently each time, because something that doesn't have a physical reality shouldn't have the right to a real name.


545 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2005 :  13:37:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sounds like TMS to me. Why would it all of a sudden appear out of nowhere? Sounds like you know about the trick in itself, how thinking about what's bothering you makes it go away.
Keep at it, it'll vanish.
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1903 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2005 :  15:13:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I've noticed that I tend to get TMS in body parts that for one reason or another I've been thinking about, usually with some degree of fear.

For just one example, last year I worried about a pair of orthotics I got that had a kind of thick ridge in them. Sure enough, I got TMS in that exact spot.
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210 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2005 :  15:49:08  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

It seems that psychologically induced pain can come in different forms. It might come in the form of negative psychological conditioning. For example, a lady who can put the palms of her hands on the ground but can't tie her shoes, or a guy who can load and unload a truck all day but can't stand in front of a sink and shave (two people that Dr. Sarno wrote about).

Or it can be caused by psychological/emotional issues that aren't being taken care of but need to be taken care of. For example, even though it was painful for Helen (the Helen Dr. Sarno refers to in his books) to become aware of the child abuse she went through as a child, for the sake of her psychological welfare it was important that she did so so she could take care of it.

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210 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2005 :  15:51:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

It did go away. It hung around for just an hour. I found the psychological cause right away, and it went away. Its been only 24 hours, but there are no signs of it returning thus far.

Originally posted by Maryalma8

Sounds like TMS to me. Why would it all of a sudden appear out of nowhere? Sounds like you know about the trick in itself, how thinking about what's bothering you makes it go away.
Keep at it, it'll vanish.

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226 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2005 :  17:47:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

If I recall Dr. Sarno's statements correctly, TMS has many causes, such as stress and anxiety as well as rage.

You had me going on spelling sciatica.

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18 Posts

Posted - 06/16/2005 :  19:54:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Sounds like you really have it figured out, Albert. Wish I could do that and maybe someday I will be able to. (focus on sore spot and have the emotional/psycholog. issues appear)

Plus, I loved the fact that you spelled ciatika wrong all those ways because it isn't real!!! LOL
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210 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2005 :  10:06:00  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
It didn't happen overnight. I worked really hard at reconditioning myself so that my overall mind wouldn't take the stance that my pain is due to physical problems. I also spent a lot of time looking at psychological issues that I wasn't paying attention to. My progress started quickly with a sharp curve (if you think in graph terms) and then the curve started to level off more and more. Right now the curve is hard to see, but still seems that I'm progressing to some degree. I figure I'm about 90% better. It's hard to measure. I don't know if there is a such thing as 100% curred. Whatever the case, I went from getting just 2-4 hours of sleep per night to sleeping as much as I want. Also, when I used to wake up I used to feel depressed because I believed that I was going to have a day of pain. That assumption no longer exists.

Originally posted by Marilyn

Sounds like you really have it figured out, Albert. Wish I could do that and maybe someday I will be able to. (focus on sore spot and have the emotional/psycholog. issues appear)

Plus, I loved the fact that you spelled ciatika wrong all those ways because it isn't real!!! LOL

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United Kingdom
191 Posts

Posted - 06/17/2005 :  17:48:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This is something I am a little hazy about, but I think that Sarno believes "stress" and "anxiety" actually have their roots in rage because the unconscious hates any kind of pressure (such as stress) and reacts to it with rage, which is repressed and causes TMS. He certainly seems to feel that anger and anxiety are very closely related.

I always used to pull my hair out when people would tell me my physical symptoms were caused by stress. I felt like, okay - tell me something I don't know - what the hell do I do about it? I was treated for anxiety disorder for years, and while that helped with the anxiety it did absolutely nothing for my TMS. Only when I read Sarno and the theory of repressed rage was I able to really get a handle on what it was I needed to focus on.

Originally posted by Allan


If I recall Dr. Sarno's statements correctly, TMS has many causes, such as stress and anxiety as well as rage.

You had me going on spelling sciatica.


Edited by - Hilary on 06/17/2005 17:51:17
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734 Posts

Posted - 06/18/2005 :  08:38:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
-Right now the curve is hard to see, but still seems that I'm progressing to some degree.
-I went from getting just 2-4 hours of sleep per night to sleeping as much as I want

I remember when you were first doing the deal that you told me your main problem was sleep issues.You are right.It IS hard to see.If I could go back in my way back machine and tell you that in a couple of months you'll be sleeping fine,you would have been ecstatic.

I had a shot of sciatica the other morning,but it lived for about a minute....just long enough for me to refocus and rethink about where I was emotionally.....I didn't even have to get rid of the stress(which I've been under for WEEKS now...)just had to become aware of who I am and how I respond to things.

I was a little worried when I didn't see you post for a while there,but am glad to hear you're doing so well.

sorry about the Giants.


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210 Posts

Posted - 06/21/2005 :  10:08:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Baseball65, and thank you for the assistance you provided to me. :)

Regarding the Giants, their color guy (announcer) Mike Krukow is having low back problems, got a disc diagnosis, and is considering surgery. He's a real homer, and I wonder if he finds it stressful to be positive with a team that is having problems.

I found that I can enjoy it when the Giants do well, but I don't get stressed out when they don't. I've had enough of that routine.

I have a question for you. Is it true that a slider is more deceptive to a hitter than 1 to 7 curve ball?

Originally posted by Baseball65

-Right now the curve is hard to see, but still seems that I'm progressing to some degree.
-I went from getting just 2-4 hours of sleep per night to sleeping as much as I want

I remember when you were first doing the deal that you told me your main problem was sleep issues.You are right.It IS hard to see.If I could go back in my way back machine and tell you that in a couple of months you'll be sleeping fine,you would have been ecstatic.

I had a shot of sciatica the other morning,but it lived for about a minute....just long enough for me to refocus and rethink about where I was emotionally.....I didn't even have to get rid of the stress(which I've been under for WEEKS now...)just had to become aware of who I am and how I respond to things.

I was a little worried when I didn't see you post for a while there,but am glad to hear you're doing so well.

sorry about the Giants.



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