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United Kingdom
9 Posts |
Posted - 08/10/2008 : 05:57:05
Had a bad night last lower back aches..i had pains in lower abdomen, groin, hip and bladder pains after going to the toilet. I am getting so dishearted at the moment..have started to read the divided mind so hopefully i'll get some more tips etc..i still can't stop googling symptoms though..and also because i went to a chiro and they said sacroiliac problem i keep thinking of this. i am also worried that the chiro could have done more damage than good as i have more symptoms now than when i first went. I haven't been for about 4 weeks now and am trying to get it into my mind there is nothing wrong with me but then i get so scared that there actually is something wrong...sorry for waffling on but am really having a bad time of it at the mo and don't know what to do? |
47 Posts |
Posted - 08/11/2008 : 11:55:52
Hi Pumfster:
I can relate! I actually had a fairly good bladder weekend but now have a tough yeast infection (due to antibiotics+panic, I'm sure) which is just flaring everything up down there.
I have a couple of ideas. I was finding when I was googling symptoms and stuff like that, I was starting to get more and more symptoms and really freaking myself out about what they meant. My sister made me sign a pledge that if I wanted to know something about a symptom, I would call her, my mom or boyfriend and have THEM google it and filter out the scary stuff. I was only "allowed" to look up mind-body stuff.
I don't know if you looked at this website, but this gal has an excellent article about internet panic.
I don't know about you, but I find if I think smething like "Oh, I haven't had to pee in an hour," I'll need to pee in the next 5 minutes. That tells me how powerful my mind is, and how much these symptoms are being driven by a TMS process.
I really hope you'll be doing better soon!
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