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243 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2007 : 18:10:17
Hi I am back after many years with a most unique TMS syndrome. I didn't know that my diagnose of having "Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction" was actually a very unique sneaky TMS equlivant! (It is actually rampant among many that know nothing about Sarno & TMS). It wasn't until I bought the book "A Headache In The Pelvis" that amazingly could easily be a sister book to The Mindbody connection"!! I was shocked that this pelvic inflamation & back pain(now of 3 month's) brought on during a UTI is TMS. Anyone out there have this?? The only difference in treatment is that they want you to do "Trigger Point Therapy" along with relaxation in order to truly get better. Would Sarno believe in having to press on trigger points?? Oh and another thing I also have burning you know where and I am afraid to have intercourse as I might get more pain and UTI's... also going thru menopause which confuses things up a bit. Any imput would be helpful! |
Edited by - holly on 10/03/2007 18:46:04 |
1397 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2007 : 21:26:05
I don't believe in getting trigger point therapy except as a temporary mitigation measure. I've still got trigger points galore all over me, but they only hurt when I'm stressed...
-- Wherever you go, there you are. |
Edited by - armchairlinguist on 10/03/2007 21:26:23 |
Czech Republic
2048 Posts |
Posted - 10/03/2007 : 22:34:51
I have read "A Headache In The Pelvis" and have spoke to the author. He personally knows Dr. Sarno but does not accept TMS. It is clearly TMS amd Dr. Sarno agrees.
******* Sarno-ize it! Read chapter 4 of Dr. Sarno's "The Divided Mind." Also chapers 3, 4 and 5 in Dr. Scott Brady's "Pain Free For Life" are very important. |
243 Posts |
Posted - 10/04/2007 : 06:13:40
At this point( after being fully knowledgable about TMS for 20 years) I think I need to step it up a bit. I never read Dr.Brady's book or bought any Sarno tapes. What do you guy's recommend for an old timer to help the process along. I seem to be back in the TMS mode and clearly understand why. I didn't think pressing on "trigger points" for month's to unknot/break the spasm cycle seemed within the TMS mode and frankly I don't want to take time doing that. I did start taking up HOT Yoga which benefites me alot but hate doing that too. Anyone totally resolve UTI, Pelvic, Vagina & IC troubles. Just hearing about that helps!
Wherever I go, yes I am there |
7 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2007 : 03:55:38
Hi Holly, You need to check out a Yahoo site called Happy Pelvis. I've been suffering from pelvic problems for a couple of years and found a lot of help from women who suffer from similiar problems I agree, it is probably TMS, but you need to find solutions to the symptoms.
judyhorowitz |
Czech Republic
2048 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2007 : 08:08:15
It is not probably TMS, it IS TMS. Pelvic pain is now reaching epidemic levels. It is usually diagnosed as prostatitus for men even though the prostate is rarely involved. According to Dr. Sarno 90% of urologists recognize prostatitus to be stress induced. Women too get this pelvic pain and it is for sure they don't have a prostate. Dr. Marc Sopher- a TMS doc - has successfully treated people with this condition using Dr. Sarno's methods. I myself was diagnosed with prostatitus but I no clearly see it is a TMS equivalent, especially in the light of my other symptoms. The urologist wanted me to go on ativan.
Yes, have it checked out, but it's almost certain that nothing will be found.
******* Sarno-ize it! Read chapter 4 of Dr. Sarno's "The Divided Mind." Also chapers 3, 4 and 5 in Dr. Scott Brady's "Pain Free For Life" are very important. |
511 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2007 : 09:28:59
Doctors don't do diagnosis over the internet, probably lay people should refrain from this also, Shawn. |
783 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2007 : 11:12:44
quote: Originally posted by shawnsmith
According to Dr. Sarno 90% of urologists recognize prostatitus to be stress induced.
I think the quote was that a urologist friend of his states that 90% of the cases of prostatitis he sees is found to be stress induced.
371 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2007 : 18:34:53
yeah Shawn, it really is impossible and also very irresponsible (and ignorant) to diagnose someone over the internet |

141 Posts |
Posted - 10/05/2007 : 21:50:03
Holly, I have had what you're describing for approximately 2 years now (burning, urgency etc.) It also began with a UTI, during a time in which I was under a great deal of stress. I believe that the main reason why this misery has lasted so long is because I haven't completely convinced myself that it is TMS. I spoke with both Sarno and Sopher who both said it is definitely TMS! I had also been successful in the past with other TMS equivalents, such as back and neck pain and restless legs syndrome. This manifestation is just so darn clever though! Several other people on this forum have been very successful with IC. Check out some of the old posts on this topic. Keep us posted.
Curiosity |
19 Posts |
Posted - 10/07/2007 : 16:28:06
I have that pelvic floor prostadondysfunctiowhatever. Trust me, if all the tests come up negative for an infection, it's just a wonderfully annoying TMS equivalent. How do I know this? I was in constant pain for almost 2 years, discovered Sarno, and I've watched my symptoms come and go, disappear entirely, flare up when it's obvious I'm under some sort of psychological stress, and switch locations when I completely ignore it. It's TMS with a capital T, Shawn is right. But get tested for infections just to be sure. I wasted a year of my life on Dr. Wise's protocol and it only made me more miserable, and I developed several more pain locations as his placebo treatment worked on me.
yeah right. |
Czech Republic
2048 Posts |
Posted - 10/08/2007 : 07:33:18
quote: Originally posted by JohnD
yeah Shawn, it really is impossible and also very irresponsible (and ignorant) to diagnose someone over the internet
I am not diagnosing anyone per se, but merely pointing that - in general- these pelvic pains are a manifestation of TMS. Of course, itm is assumed on this board - or at least I am assuming- that people go to their physician when they get a new symptom. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I agree with you that diagnosing anyone here is irresponsible (and ignorant).
******* Sarno-ize it! Read chapter 4 of Dr. Sarno's "The Divided Mind." Also chapers 3, 4 and 5 in Dr. Scott Brady's "Pain Free For Life" are very important. |
243 Posts |
Posted - 10/08/2007 : 15:54:59
Thanks guys! I would say I am starting to actually see improvement as I realise what I do indeed have is TMS. I really believe it now and just in the last two days are actually feeling some relief for the first time. Today my almost 16 year old sent me into a real tailspin and I felt it firing up so there is more proof!! I seem to becoming the old "runaway train" again like in my old days and probably (definitly)the reason for my latest pelvic symptoms, a very tricky TMS equalivent. I am glad I came back here to discover this or it might have become one of those long term things. Hopefully I nipped it in the butt early. When I called Sarno a few weeks back and he yelled "it is TMS"!! into the phone within 3 seconds I really wasn't sure at first but now it all makes sense! THANK YOU ALL! Coming back was worth it! |
1 Posts |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 18:28:12
OK, Its been almost 3 years since I have had similar symptoms and I have been to numerous doctors, tried pills, creams, meditation, you name it. I bought several books on the subject including a Headach in the Pelvis. My family doctor did not refer to "TMS" but believes strongly that this is related to stress. Some people get headaches, some of us experience it in our pelvic/rectal area. My condition was one where the pain subsided when I laid down. The pain and pressure got progressively worse as the day went on, particularly from sitting. Yes, I have had better days than others, but I was always aware that the pain was there. Today, its been more than 3 weeks since the pain is gone - totally. The funny thing is that I am almost always aware that it is gone - I guess that's because I have been aware of the pain for such a long time. Now I feel like a new person and am trying to take life a little easier. I am not a particularly nervous, uptight or angry person, but I did realize that the pain was always worse during and after particularly stressful situations. Now here is what worked for me, and some of you may have already tried this. In fact, it was actually after the second time I tried it, months after the first time, that it worked.
What worked for me was using one of those TENS units. I began by placing two of the small gel pads on my lower back thinking that I could relieve some muscle tension around the pudendal nerve, which I read so much about. In one sitting I progressively lowered the pads until they were just outside of my rectum. I found that sitting on a hard floor provided significantly more pressure from the pads on my buttocks and provided significantly more stimulation to the muscles. Then I laid down flat on the floor with one pad about an inch or two to the side of my rectum and pressed the other gently directly between my rectum and scrotum, directly onto the pelvic floor muscles. I could feel these muscles vibrate significantly. Because of the sensitivity of these particular muscles I had to use a much lower setting on the TENS unit. After about an hour and a half of all of this I got up and felt significantly better. I initially thought it would be temporary. Although I still had some discomfort the following day, I felt much better. For the next several days I continued to do the same routine. I have not done this for more than two weeks and I feel completely relieved. It's like a miracle. I just had to share this with so many of you that are suffering so badly, as I was. I can only hope that the relief continues. So far, so good. My only theory is that these muscles were in such spasm that it was like a viscous circle. They could not relax because the pain was so frequent and just made the muscles tense up more. The TENS unit must have taken the muscles out of the spasm. That's my story and I hope this helps you suffering from this unusual pain. By the way, the TENS unit I used is called Dr. Ho's. I saw it on an infomercial on TV. The name is obviously a little ridiculous, but it saved me. I imagine any good TENS unit could provide many of you the same relief. Good luck to all of you. |
184 Posts |
Posted - 10/09/2007 : 18:37:02
I have been relying on a tens unit for some relief and it does help. However there are cheaply made units and I know because I've bought one. The pain management dr. prescribed one from a reputable company (won't name it because I'm not here to sell or push products). If your dr. agrees to prescribe it, your insurance will pay including all the expensive pads.
Beware- I have overused it and now have horrible rash and pimples and it works less as a result.
In any case, I know no one wants to hear a non TMS remedy, but be informed if you choose to do it.
I can't wait to throw mine in the garbage. |

134 Posts |
Posted - 10/10/2007 : 15:06:42
Holly, do a search on this forum for "levator ani syndrome". Read the posts by Carolyn in those threads.
Edited by - Paul on 10/10/2007 15:09:00 |
184 Posts |
Posted - 10/10/2007 : 18:19:45
I can do that one better (than reading my old posts that is) since I have just started reading the forum again. I had pelvic floor dysfunction, levator ani, interstitial cystitis, anal fissures, vulvodynia, SI joint instability etc etc etc. I had it for about 5 years and really suffered- then I beat it - 100% about 3 years ago. I have absolutely NO pain. VERY occassionally, it will pop up again but usually only for an hour or so because I absolutely KNOW it is TMS. No question. And while I cannot say for sure that yours is TMS, I can say for sure that it can be and if you have a TMS-prone personality, it certainly seems likely.
Now I am coming back to the forum because I have been having new problems which I now also know are TMS. This is actually ironic because my initial new complaint was dry eyes that developed very suddenly last January. I came to the forum asking if it could be TMS and it was Holly (the ironic part) who told me that 'no, this is a real condition'. Nocebo effect- So I bought it and went away and suffered for 9 months-but now I am convinced that it is TMS. I was able to make it recede initially by intense journaling and now I notice a direct correlation of the dryness and pain to my level of the 'ick' feeling. It also now alternates with lots of other of my old TMS manifestations. I am finding this to be particularly stubborn right now but am making progress. How interesting though that Holly and I would both have these two symptoms in common. They are certainly less common than other TMS symptoms such as back pain. Accepting, of course, that your dry eyes may not be TMS since I am certainly not trying to argue that point with you and I know there are other possiblly legitimate causes.
Best of luck to you with your pelvic pain. I know it is the pits. Every symptom I get seems to alway be the worst one I have had yet! |
243 Posts |
Posted - 10/11/2007 : 16:01:42
LOL....Yep "Pelvic Floor Muscle Dysfunction" I couldn't believe it! Scary untill I realised it was TMS... and let's not forget my IC like phase which came in the beginning of the pelvic floor thing. I also have burning inside my vagina which I believe is due to menopause.(?) I have been using a product by KY for that and it helps but I have been fearfull of intercourse knowing I will be left saw or get another UTI! My husband hasn't had any for 3 month's!! Monday I go into the hospital because my uterine lining is too thick & for a biopsy and possible DNC if needed. I hope I don't come out of that procedure in too much discomfort down there considering I have been feeling much better. I can't wait till it is all over and just have to concentrate on my 50th birthday party coming up in November. Caroline I have a list of TMS symptoms going way back I would love to compare. (still don't think my dry eyes are TMS since I had it since I was a kid but that doesn't mean yours isn't TMS!) Did you ever have neuropothy in your toes??? |
Edited by - holly on 10/11/2007 16:03:28 |
184 Posts |
Posted - 10/12/2007 : 19:46:00
I also have a long list of TMS symptoms going back to stress-induced headaches as a kid and bad knee problems diagnosed as chondromalacia patella. I have had back and neck pain but it has never been my most severe symptom. I am also having hormone issues. I am only 42 but had my ovaries removed 5 years ago. I was fine on HRT for about 4 years then all of a sudden it was like menopause hit me really hard. I still wonder whether this is all part of the mind-body thing. I have terrible anxiety along with my hormonal symptoms and many symptoms that fall under chronic fatigue syndrome (including my dry eyes). I do get strange neuralgias also. I think that since the mind-body is really one thing, hormone imbalance can affect TMS symptoms and vs vs.
Carolyn |
47 Posts |
Posted - 07/28/2008 : 11:39:10
Hi all:
Sorry to revive an old thread but I have questions abuot Dr. Wise's book (Headache in the Pelvis), too.
The book is compatible with Sarno in that it discusses emotions and fear as creators of tension which creates pain which creates more anxiety, emotion and fear. I abosolutely feel the muscle tension Wise is talking about, and he's right - it is VERY hard to release.
The book is incompatible in that months/years of special physical and mental treatments (trigger point release, paradoxical relaxation - which involves sustained acceptance of and attention to the tension, etc.) have to be done exactly according to Dr. Wise, and the real rub is that he doesn't tell you how to do it! He wants everyone to go to his six day pain clinic at Stanford to get the techniques so that they can do them correctly! (The cost isn't listed but I'm sure this costs an arm and a leg and I don't want to sell my house :o) In this way, the book was incredibly disappointing.
Has anyone had success with Wise, and/or know the techniques he's talking about? Is it better to just take the principles from him (i.e., accept this is all tension) and then move on to Sarno principles? I'm really interested in any updated progress folks have had.
Thanks much- hkp |
United Kingdom
9 Posts |
Posted - 07/29/2008 : 13:19:56
I am getting exact same pelvic pains as others have described..have had urine test done (negative), swabs for infections (negative) and pelvic ultrasound for cysts (nothing there. Also have back pains, sacroiliac area etc..i'm thinking mine is tms as wanted to start trying for baby soon but have lots of emotional issues going on. I have nearly finished reading sarno and am wondering whether to buy headache in the pelvis but don't know whether i should now. |
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