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 Lung issues

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Nibor2 Posted - 12/20/2017 : 18:29:37

I am generally a healthy 62-year-old woman, but I have suffered much from TMS, and still do. It is most often a pain in my foot or my jaw, or a headache, but I have also had TMS in my back, leg and shoulder. I deal with these symptoms without medication most of the time, and I do recognize all of it as TMS. I am generally successful using mental techniques on these problems as they arise.

I smoked tobacco, a pack a day, from age 15 to 37, then quit, then started again (albeit much lighter) when I was 51, to quit again permanently at age 53. Until this fall I never had any breathing issues. In early November I came down with pneumonia based on a chest x-ray. I had a follow-up chest x-ray and also a high-res CT scan in early December when I felt I was pretty much over the pneumonia, and they found not only a 1 cm nodule but also that the imagery was consistent with early stage emphysema.

My lingering symptoms since having pneumonia have basically been a dry cough and what feels like shortness of breath, which is all intermittent, much more spaced out now that I feel I’m completely over the pneumonia.

I am still suffering at times from shortness of breath, but not curtailing my activities in any way (I ride my bicycle everywhere, rarely using my car). The “shortness of breath” symptom I would describe as the feeling one gets when inhaling a strong smell such as vinegar.

In summary, my breathing was fine before the pneumonia, but now after seeing doctors for pneumonia and doing testing, I have intermittent shortness of breath spells. Could this “shortness of breath” symptom be TMS?

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