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 Some Wisdom of Abraham Low/Recovery

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sylvia Posted - 04/03/2013 : 12:52:15
Free Download here

There is a second page that is a definition of terms that doesn' cut and paste well. So download yourself.

But look at the Wisdom.

Some Basic RI Tools

Treat mental health as a business and not as a game.........................................
MH ch.25

Humor is our best friend, temper is our worst enemy..........................................
MH p.108

If you can't change a situation you can change your attitude towards it...
MYF p.108, Sel. p.31-32

Be self-led, not symptom-led. .......................................................
.MYF p.114-118, 280-283

Nervous symptoms and sensations ar
e distressing but not dangerous .
SEL p.53, MH p.115, 119

Temper is, among other things, blindness to the other side of the story ............
MH p.159

Comfort is a want, not a need. ...................................................................
MH chs.13, 22

There is no right or wrong in the trivialities of every day life............
SEL p.39, MH p.157, 195-196

Calm begets calm, temper begets temper...........................................
.MYF p.245, SEL p.31

Don't take our own dear selves too seriously....................................................
.MH p.109

Feelings should be expressed and temper suppressed.......................................
..MH p.178

Helplessness is not hopelessness......................................................
MH ch.7, MYF p.184

Some people have a passion for self-distrust..................................
MH ch.29 & MYF Lecture 2

Temper maintains and intensifies symptoms....................................................
MH p. 219

Do things in part acts..............................................................................
MH p.246-249

Endorse yourself for the effort, not only for the performance................
MYF p.13, SEL p.46, 132

Have the courage to make a mistake..............................
MH p.203, ch.30, MYF p.60, SEL p.108

Feelings are not facts.................................................................
.MH ch.9, MYF Lecture 14

Do the things you fear and hate to do............................................
MH p. 329-330, MYF p.197

Fear is a belief –– beliefs can be changed.................................................
MYF p.266-269

Every act of self-control leads to a sense of self-respect......................................
MH p.166

Decide, plan and act. ...
......MH p.42

Any decision will steady you............................................................................
MYF p.5

Anticipation is often worse than realization.............................................
MH p.114-115, 146

Replace an insecure thought with a secure thought.......................................
MYF Lecture 1

Bear the discomfort in order to gain comfort..................................................
....MH p.149

Hurt feelings are just beliefs not shared............................................................
SEL p.21

Self-appointed expectations lead to
self-induced frustrations................................
SEL p.35

People do things
annoy us, not necessarily
annoy us.................................
MH ch.48

Knowledge teaches you what to do, prac
tice tells you how to do it........................
SEL p.118

Muscles can be commanded to do what one fears to do.....................................
SEL p.123

Tempers are frequently uncontrolled, but not uncontrollable.................................
MH p.392
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