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 Vertigo is also TMS/Please help with this

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Laura Weinberg Posted - 06/25/2008 : 20:11:34


Can anyone relate and give me feedback on this? I was "cured" of back pain by Dr. John Sarno 21 years ago and have felt great and empowered ever since.
During the past five weeks where I had some stressful situations, I had some vertigo which I see is on Dr. Sarno's list for TMS. Has anyone experience vertigo and successfully used the Sarno technique to rid of the vertigo? Please let me know if you have. I need support and validation with this situation. Thanks!
Laura W.

Laura Weinberg
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mizlorinj Posted - 06/26/2008 : 14:02:03
Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life equates dizziness symptoms to fear. (Going from memory here--maybe someone has the book handy to check me?)
Perhaps explore some fears?
skizzik Posted - 06/26/2008 : 13:51:25
it's in divided mind. I had big time vertigo last year amongst other maladies.
Laura Weinberg Posted - 06/26/2008 : 10:59:51

Thank you Susie. I'm most definitely practicing Sarno's technique for the vertigo since I've recently uncovered a lot of rage which must have been the reason for the vertigo, as it was for my back pain many years ago. It's a hard lesson to learn how to deliver anger when trained early in life not to do so!

Laura Weinberg
Susie Posted - 06/25/2008 : 20:24:17
Hi Laura, I had vertigo during a real stressful period about 4 years ago. When I laid down at night, the room actually seemed to be spinning. I found it to be kinda comical as I was aware of tms. When confronted, it disapeared like all the other symptoms. Don't let it scare you. It'll go away.

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