Can anyone relate and give me feedback on this? I was "cured" of back pain by Dr. John Sarno 21 years ago and have felt great and empowered ever since. During the past five weeks where I had some stressful situations, I had some vertigo which I see is on Dr. Sarno's list for TMS. Has anyone experience vertigo and successfully used the Sarno technique to rid of the vertigo? Please let me know if you have. I need support and validation with this situation. Thanks! Laura W.
Hi Laura, I had vertigo during a real stressful period about 4 years ago. When I laid down at night, the room actually seemed to be spinning. I found it to be kinda comical as I was aware of tms. When confronted, it disapeared like all the other symptoms. Don't let it scare you. It'll go away.
Thank you Susie. I'm most definitely practicing Sarno's technique for the vertigo since I've recently uncovered a lot of rage which must have been the reason for the vertigo, as it was for my back pain many years ago. It's a hard lesson to learn how to deliver anger when trained early in life not to do so!
Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life equates dizziness symptoms to fear. (Going from memory here--maybe someone has the book handy to check me?) Perhaps explore some fears?