hello everyone! this is my story so far.I definately cured my back pain that's been bothering me for almost 3 years with dr sarno's book back in 2013.After MRIs,and neurological tests and visits to physio, osteopaths and reumatologists I came across this magnificent book that cured me and eliminated my fear of back,shoulder, knee or heel pain.That is because after healing my back these 3 new areas of pain came to visit me but I easily got rid of them with the same approach. Everything is fine,I have my 7 and my 5 year olds to keep me busy,I have my husband, I have my job and out of the blue almost after a year being pain free,I meet dizziness as in lightheaded not spinning-vertigo.Lasted about a month and I was sure due to stress (my daughter was starting school).Went away to come back 3 months later.Always lasting at least a month coming and going and being there 24/7. I am 42 and I am prematurely menopausing.Thought it might have to do something with that and started hormone supplements as adviced.Coincidece?Had almost 3 months off the dizziness only to come back forcefully with terrible tension headaches that wouldn't respond to pain killers.So dizziness and headaches was the new status.Three to four panic attacks that occurred the same year.Had a brain MR, had eyes checked.Wear glasses to read now but fine results in general. On January I read Weekes Hope and help and my symptoms lifted to the point that I wasn't dizzy, my vision was clearer and my joy was unspeakable. It was only 5 days ago that dizziness blinked at me and my left arm started feeling numb.I can use it but it feels sensitive(fingers,arm)I can lift it,it can hold me standing upside down!!! but something is not right. I am too panicked to do anything.I think I am going crazy.