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 Anal and rectal pressure
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United Kingdom
48 Posts

Posted - 01/30/2014 :  12:04:56  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi all, I'm a 30 year old male and for the past five years I have had these weird rectal and anal pains. Its like a pressure sensation like my rectum has a ball in it. Its there all day. After many scans and tests it has been diagnosed as hypochondriasis. I'm a massive anxiety sufferer and thuis problem has ruled my life for a long time. I did have a gap of about 6 months with no pain at all. I also find that when I am on holiday or off work the pain goes away. Its also gone when I'm asleep but builds up again when I wake up. I can be feeling fine and think to myself I haven't had hat pain for a while and then wham, its back. It all started with pereneum pain during a stressful time of my life. This was diagnosed as prostatitus. Had some pills and it went away. Then came back a few weeks later. That was 5 years ago. I have had hundreds of different medication, ct scans, rectal exams and proctoscope and all is healthy. Blood tests are all ok. I have had other anxiety symptoms such as hard to breath. When I had these other problems my anal discomfort went away. I know its all caused by my brain. A serious problem doesn't come and go. I know the more I stress about it or google my symptoms it makes it worse. Oh and I have back ache and just a general feeling of a tight pelvis. Can anyone relate??? Does it sound like I might be tms?? I am on sertraline 150mg and have been for years but I am just starting to see a cbt therapist so hopefully I will get sorted. I just seem to seek reasurance all the time and wish I could just go back to how I used to be.
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