i am a newbee here.
last year, i had horrific pain in my neck and read sarno's book and i was able to make it go away.
i'm wondering if this face pain is kind of like a form of sciatica...only instead of pain shooting into my legs, it is shooting into my face/head.
last year, i dealt with rage i didn't realize i had such rage about my parents psychological and emotional terrorizing me most of my life, but especially during my younger years. but that's what made the excrutiating "base of my neck pain" go away.
since sarno says allegies and asthma are TMS related, i guess i will purchase his video tapes(i don't have 1,000 bucks to drop on his sessions). does anyone have his videos that i can record onto audio cassette and just listen to him talk? or maybe you could lend the video tapes to me for a spell? let me know.
thank you