Between books and Sarno's words and SteveO's words and the words of the people on this forum, I have found myself in frustration at the length of time it's taking me to feel better and relieved that it's not abnormal for me to take this long to feel better. I don't feel completely better yet, but I am making progress. I'm doing more day by day and I'm feeling more confident day by day with the diagnosis of TMS (not literally diagnosed by a TMS MD, but with my medical history and personality, I "know" it's TMS).
That said, I have been experiencing something today that has me...confused and encouraged. I find it interesting that the brain could try to make the "problem" worse with new symptoms and actually leave me feeling encouraged.
You see, most of my symptoms most of the time are in my low back and left leg. Occasionally (and even yesterday) the pain will be in my right ankle. As of this morning, the pain is no longer in my right ankle...and it's less in my back and left leg. BUT, my right HEEL has started to hurt like crazy and my left ankle is acting weird. In addition, I experienced some stomach symptoms this morning (that left me wondering what in the heck I ate that made me feel that way...and then realized it wasn't what I ate) and, while I was driving to work, my right ear started to ring VERY loudly. When I refused to accept it as anything other than TMS, it quickly changed from ringing to near deafness in the ear. Again I refused to accept it as anything but TMS and that issue went away completely. Then the pain in my right heel intensified and the pain started coming back to my back and leg a little more. opinion is that my brain is "catching on" that I won't believe the pain is any kind of body problem and that I know I have some more emotions to work through, but it's desperately trying to divert attention to the body instead of the emotions. Even though I'm experiencing more symptoms, I'm more convinced than ever that it's TMS and I call that progress. And, interestingly, I am walking a little easier and a little more normally today. 
-- Dustin |