Ok, so I am my family members have had this TMS equivalent where we sweat alot under are arms...so much that any shirt or top i put on is soaked with pools of sweat in the underarms within 10-15 mins. It doesn't matter if it's hot or cold or if I'm 'feeling' nervous or not. It's completely unconscious and has restricted me to to black tops only so I can hide the insanely large sweat stains.
Anybody have this? It's been difficult to 'snap' out of it...RSI was easier by comparison (tho more painful)
Check your diet too. Health is total package; getting your mind in order will not overcome an unhealthy lifestyle.
We are animals on this planet, and we developed for MILLIONS of years with no sugar, grains, legumes & processed foods. We are designed to eat certain things, and those things should make up most of our diets, instead they are a tiny fraction. The FDA food pyramid is a gift to agribusinees, not a scientific document.
Furthermore, we are designed to move. Vigorously. Every day.