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56 Posts |
Posted - 07/24/2009 : 09:20:28
On the one hand I am thrilled with how my TMS pain has resolved in the past weeks, thanks to Dr Sarno and all the help I found here and elsewhere online.
However, in the past week or two, I have been suffering from dizziness several times a day. I am pretty sure that it is a TMS equivalent as it happens when I am in a situation where I feel social anxiety, or when I am reading or talking about TMS. I have struggled with social anxiety in the past couple of years.
When I feel dizzy (like right now, because I'm writing about it!) it's hard to think clearly because the dizziness makes me feel afraid and uncomfortable and it's hard to be objective and to talk to my brain sensibly while my head is spinning! Also, I am WITH people when it happens (becasue it happens when I'm in a social situation!) so I have to focus on "acting normal" while it is going on! This is very stressful.
Has anyone any advice on how I can handle these episodes?

130 Posts |
Posted - 07/24/2009 : 16:26:33
dont try to "act normal". loosen that grip. who am i quoting? i had the same exact thing. |
252 Posts |
Posted - 07/24/2009 : 21:31:48
I have had the same symptoms. I went to my general care physician and then to an ear nose and a throat specialist. They found no reason for my symptoms. When I was sure that it was TMS the dizziness went away.
Always check out new symptoms with a medical professional. Never diagnosis yourself. In most cases it is TMS but never diagnosis yourself. Marsha
393 Posts |

81 Posts |
Posted - 07/30/2009 : 11:03:14
fibri, I have recently recovered from a year of off and on dizziness and it is my personal experience that dizziness was the most difficult symptom I've ever dealt with for the reasons you cited. One can think oneself through pain but when the brain itself is what is off kilter, the whole process of working with Sarno's concepts becomes immensely challenging.
I had exhaustive tests done because the dizziness was so distressing and of course, nothing was found. The dizziness was simply a bi-product of anxiety or TMS equivalent - whatever you choose to call it. What I believe happened to rid me of this symptom was multi-faceted. First of all, knowing that nothing was horribly wrong with me physically helped reduce my anxiety about it. Whenever I have a symptom, I have it thoroughly checked out to help alleviate my anxiety and rule out serious health problems. Secondly, I was also experiencing severe heart palpitations (yeah, it was a fun time) and I was finally put on a very small dose of a beta blocker which reduces the effects of adrenaline on the nervous system. I also started taking small doses of progesterone (I'm 45 - need I say more?) and took control of some life circumstances and family relationships that were causing me a lot of grief.
I still get dizzy from time to time, mostly in the same situations. I do believe the beta blocker has helped me with social anxiety IMMENSELY. Anti-depressants were not the answer for me and only exacerbated my condition.
I don't know what the exact physiology is that occurs when anxiety creates dizziness but I would guess it is related to vaso-constriction and shallow breathing. Try your best to take deep belly breaths when you are in anxiety-provoking situations and what I learned to do was to tell people that "I am not feeling well right now, I think it's my peri-menopause (or fill in the blank if you're younger) and just got it right out there on the table. I think we often experience social anxiety because we are worried that someone is going to notice we are extremely anxious. It's a vicious feedback loop that can spiral out of control. If you can somehow break that cycle by allowing people to see your vulnerability on your terms, you may be able to just nip that cycle right at the beginning.
I also have no qualms about taking a klonopin if I know I'm going to be in a stressful situation like a job interview or giving a presentation. Because my anxiety level is so high, I don't experience any sort of drugged out feeling but rather just feel as though I can manage the anxiety. When I was at the height of my dizziness crisis, klonopin helped me through and allowed me to maintain some semblance of a life. I only need it on occasion now and am fortunate not to have a problem with that medication which some people do. Everyone's physiology is different so I don't know if that's a good solution for you. Some people find this medication highly addictive and find it difficult to get off of so I would weigh the risks vs. benefits very heavily before considering anti-anxiety medication. The only reason I had access to it was because it was given to me to counteract the horrible anxiety I experienced when put on an anti-depressant. What a nightmare that was.
Now, I know there is some controversy on this site about anxiety and whether it is a TMS equivalent or not. My personal feeling is that TMS is part of my anxiety disorder but others will see it as the other way around. However you look at it, anxiety can cause just about any symptom and dizziness is classic. I hope some of the coping strategies that worked for me are of some benefit to you. It truly is the most unpleasant symptom I've ever dealt with (and I suffered through years of severe TMS back pain etc.) so my heart goes out to you. Keep me posted! |
Sarah Jacoba

81 Posts |
Posted - 08/04/2009 : 02:22:55
I have had occasional dizziness w/ my TMS, most severe in the AMs, when the bed was spinning around me
it has gone away on its own
--Sarah Hyacinth Jacoba "When dream and day unite" |
Wavy Soul
779 Posts |
Posted - 08/04/2009 : 23:51:55
so what are you sleeping on now your bed has gone away?
I've been having dizziness a lot recently, and am only really waking up to the fact that it's probably TMS (duh!) by reading this.
Love is the answer, whatever the question |

56 Posts |
Posted - 08/05/2009 : 01:38:59
quote: so what are you sleeping on now your bed has gone away?
My dizziness has not reappeared except when I focus on it (like while I write in this topic!)
Darn, now it's back and I'm spinning like a top ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I should have stayed away from this topic and I'd be fine :-) |
Sarah Jacoba

81 Posts |
Posted - 08/05/2009 : 01:56:01
that's pretty damn funny about the bed...good eye!
--Sarah Hyacinth Jacoba "When dream and day unite" |
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