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182 Posts |
Posted - 04/04/2009 : 12:30:36
Hello everyone,
I've been on this forum, I've suffered to the point of wanting to end my life. I know how much a good success story can help. I want to focus more on how I got better than when I was in despair because I think we all know what that feels like.
Soon after begining college, I developed a frightening symptom in my mouth. It was the feeling of a dry mouth, twisted tongue, and tingly tongue. The symptom made speaking very difficult which paralyzed me since I already had social phobias. I went to my doctor and he listened to my complaints, telling me I had sicca syndrome...AKA Sjogren's sydrome. I looked the disease up online and saw that it was permanent. The thought of this permanent state of imprisonment and fear put me into a state of depression and despair. I walked around campus like a zombie. I constantly thought about the way in which I would kill myself. When the depression was at it's worst I found Sarno's "Divided Mind" which literally saved my life. I became quite hopeful, reading about his succes rates. At this point, last summer (2008), I knew I was experiencing a TMS symptom and that it was not permanent. I applied Sarno's methods for the entire summer and the fall of 2008. His methods did not help me at all, I was becoming nervous about where to go next. The constant everyday fear of speaking haunted me, the feeling was always with me, and I needed to find a cure, quick.
The recovery begins. In january I purchased Dr. Schubiner's online program. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. There is one aspect of the program called, "Reprograming your mind." I ony did the first week of the program because I could just feel that this reprogramming principle is the driving force behind recovery. I went strong on researching ways to reprogram my mind, reading, "What to Say when you talk to yourself," and, "The Self-Talk Solution" by Shad Helmstetter. I also read, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind," by Joseph Murphy. I noticed that these are all old books and I wanted to find newer research. I found a lot of great information on affirmation and visualization techniques. I read, "Mind Power into the 21st Century," by John Kehoe, and I'm on his website every day which is amazing. ( I am now 100% free of my physical symptoms. I don't feel them and I don't think about them. When I had the symptoms I was always scared that I would never be able to forget about them because they were soooo consuming, but when something fades away, your mind simply shifts it's thoughts to something else...It works.
I called this story, "200% recovered," for a good reason. I always had social phobias in my life, perfectionistic pressures, worried too much, simply put...I was never happy or content. I truly believe that God gave me these symptoms to make me find the solution. To force me to work for improvement and achieve the happiness I deserve. I think TMS and all its equivilants are an amazing gift. They put one in a position of desparation to find the secrets of life. Not only have I cured my symptoms but I have felt more confident and happier than ever before. I know I can use these techniques to literally accomplish anything and it feels great.
If you're having difficulty recovering as I was, my advice to you is to reprogram you brain. The symptoms persist because you are thinking in the wrong way. Our brain is an organ of habit, so you must apply the appropriate techniques to change that habit of negative, fearful, doubtful thinking. Once your thinking changes, your life changes. I like to think of unconscious thought patterns as a strong current. Trying to fight these symptoms, trying to journal and apply Sarno's methods, trying to face and accept these symptoms without reprogramming your brain is like swimming against a very strong current. You may work your ass off, and get somewhere, but you can't fight the current of habit for long, and once you tire out you will be pushed back even further. Change your unconscious thinking and the tide will change, the current will go with you now. Now you can simply float with it.
I think Helmstetter's book, "What to say when you talk to yourself" is the best book for explaining the reprogramming of the brain. It will make the idea very clear, it will make perfect sense to you, and you will know you found the answer...which you did.
John Kehoe has the best practical techniques to get amazing results. I love his book and website. I use strictly John Kehoe techniques and it's phenomenal. Right now I am currently doing about 10 minutes of affirmations every morning and night and a 10 minute visualization session in the afternoon.
Good luck everyone! Reprogram your brain and always have PATIENCE AND PERSISTENCE as it takes time and effort to change the habits of the past,
John |
United Kingdom
202 Posts |
Posted - 04/04/2009 : 14:45:53
Wow, well done John. I'm so glad to read this story of yours. Good luck with everything. |
4 Posts |
Posted - 04/06/2009 : 09:25:40
Thanks for this. I have struggled with Sarno's techniques as well and turned to Fred Amir's book, which is all about tackling the problem with positive thoughts, visualization, and affirmation. I have had some success since reading this book last Thursday, but this morning I was tackled by pain before I could defend myself. I came to the forum for some encouragement and this was what was needed. |
385 Posts |
Posted - 04/21/2009 : 16:25:53
I am glad you finally figured out how to forget about your dry mouth and see it for what it was......a manifestation of anxiety, stop listening to the worry voice and get on with things. Now, please make sure you build on your success. It is important that you continue to push the limits or they will always be there. Look for other barriers to your happiness that exist only in your mind because of your prior programming and defeat them as well.
I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.
Ralph Waldo Emerson |
430 Posts |
Posted - 04/27/2009 : 09:41:26
Thanks for posting your success story, John! Especially given how much you angsted about your situation and worried your symptoms were permanent, your story is very inspiring. -RSR |
182 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2009 : 08:06:49
Please email me if you have any questions...several people have emailed me and I feel I can offer help to anyone who needs it. |
49 Posts |
Posted - 06/16/2009 : 10:18:59
I sent you an email. |
Capn Spanky

112 Posts |
Posted - 06/17/2009 : 15:12:13
Congratulations John and thank you for sharing this inspiring success story! I just ordered John Kehoe's book. |

109 Posts |
Posted - 07/23/2009 : 08:16:15
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm going to check out some of these authors. I was a shy kid with low self-esteem, and I need to work on these issues that are still lingering deep down in the dungeons and engine rooms. |
1040 Posts |
Posted - 06/08/2012 : 08:19:01
I am replying to this post, because Johns advice has been the critical step for me to improving dramatically. I hope it helps others too. |
513 Posts |
Posted - 08/26/2012 : 00:40:13
Wow. Cool to see one success story lead to another. Keep it up guys! I'll be writing mine some day. Hopefully soon. |
8 Posts |
Posted - 10/17/2012 : 18:45:03
thanks for the info - I will check out that author he suggests. |

122 Posts |
Posted - 08/08/2013 : 09:14:47
Hi John,
thanks so much for posting this success story. I know you posted this back in 2009 but is extremely relevant right now. Im curious as to what specific affirmations you used in your recovery? |
30 Posts |
Posted - 08/20/2013 : 07:32:24
Hey John,
Are you still using John Kehoe's Mind Power techniques? And still symptom free to this date? |

122 Posts |
Posted - 08/24/2014 : 07:35:53
John are you still available to talk through email about what affirmations helped you in your recovery? I have some questions for you if you don't mind and would be really interested in connecting |

72 Posts |
Posted - 11/12/2018 : 14:36:48
John, Thanks for sharing this post as I am dealing with dry mouth currently. It is hard to wrap my mind around, but I do believe it is stress related. I look forward to implementing your recommendations . |
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