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58 Posts |
Posted - 11/18/2008 : 17:20:42
I have this one weird symptom that I haven't included in my posts - I figured that it was maybe hypoglycemia, but now I'm not so sure. I realize I'm focusing on the physical here but feel perplexed! For about a year I've been waking up to a buzzing sensation in my body. Kind of like I drank several cups of coffee. I wake up and feel like my entire body is tensing and buzzing. It happens every morning and gets worse with stress, hormone changes, and excess sugar. Sometimes I'm really hyper during the day like I'm on speed. I don't feel particularly anxious, so not sure if that's it. I suspect it could be anxiety or TMS. I've been to several doctors and they don't know what it is. Has anyone else experienced this sensation as TMS or anxiety? It's kind of irritating and sometimes alarming. I do seem to have other hypoglycemia symptoms, but tests come back normal. |

124 Posts |
Posted - 11/19/2008 : 21:47:07
I have that off and on. You may be getting a jolt of adreneline or another chemical. Cortisol maybe, I don't know. If you get jittery or impatient type even moody around the buzzing feelings I would guess it's merely chemical. Have you tried adding some guided meditation to your day? It might be enough to teach yourself to take some relax time. I was using a CD I enjoyed and it really helped with a lot of things. I'm going to get back to doing it if I can just make the time. |
7 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2008 : 13:06:51
The buzzing has been an issue with me for about a year. Sometimes it calms down for a day or two, then just minor stress happens and it takes off again.
If you've read Dr. Brady's book, he calls TMS """Autonomic Overload''' I think the buzzing is the autonomic nerves. He suggests visualizing your meter at 100 and seeing the gauge go to 30; speaking to the subconcious directing to "balance this".
The burning buzzing is terrible.
I spoke to my GP about it, and she looked at me strangely and said, "I've never heard of that." I never said another word, and after the horrible MRI news,she shipped me to the spinal institute for the .(((((specialists)))) to fix me.
Thank the Almighty I learned about Sarno when I did.
Carmella |
44 Posts |
Posted - 11/21/2008 : 17:59:53
I haven't read your other posts but I have buzzing in my feet. It does get worse when I get stressed. It began after I started journaling in one foot and started in the other after a friend blew me off (which REALLY upset me). I'd been ranting and raving to my husband about my friend and about an hour later my other foot was buzzing! We started laughing... it was so obviously TMS. The next day it was gone in that foot. It still remains in the original foot for some reason. Probably because I need to see a psychotherapist to help me deal with some unresolved issues. I've read Dr. Brady's book and agree that it's probably autonomic nerves. This all began during an incredibly stressful time in my life and I'm still very stressed out. I just try to ignore it and remind myself that the chain of events that led to this make it very clear that this is stress related. Personally, I don't believe in hypoglycemia (except in diabetics). Sarno writes about it in The Mindbody Prescription. I was focused on that for awhile too and even had a specialist try to give me some drugs for it, but I know it was TMS. I treated it as such and the symptoms disappeared. Best of luck, Debbie |
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