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134 Posts |
Posted - 09/11/2008 : 14:36:29
I just wanted to share this book I discovered. It is a huge book that mixes current health issues and the Bible. Pastor Wright goes into detail on ALL kinds of illnesses and uses scripture to show how and why we have them, etc. It is pretty good...and I'm not a religious type.
And what is so great is how many of the roots of most disease are...
*Fear *Anger *Resentment *Unforgiveness *and more...
He also shows the actual "blocks" to our natural healing, etc. It is a fantastic book and goes right in line with the TMS theory so I wanted to share it with everyone here.
Even if you are not the religious type, I would highly recommend it. If you don't believe it has not worked for people, look at the rave reviews on
Anyone else read this? I would be curious to know your thoughts. It is a LOT of info to digest, but very detailed and mind-opening to say the least.
Cheers! |
327 Posts |
Posted - 09/12/2008 : 14:37:56
Thanks I checked it out and may order it. A lot of good reveiws. Oh I do believe our emotions play a huge role, especially the fear. I'm in a place now where I'm afraid of what to do, as far as treatment or quitting it all. |
46 Posts |
Posted - 09/22/2008 : 08:39:13
I've thought a lot about the religious aspect of pain relief -- I am a "religious type" person and I really did want to believe that my religious beliefs could help with the pain -- I also tried self-hypnosis tapes and positive imaging -- nothing helped until Dr. Sarno came along. As much as I cherish my religious beliefs, I think deep down inside I am the type of person who needed the "scientific" reasons for the pain that Dr. Sarno gives in his books. Now that I'm better, I do credit my religious beliefs with helping me to find Dr. Sarno, and for helping me, too, along with his book. Shortly before I discovered Dr. Sarno, I routinely listened to a meditation tape in the morning and at lunchtime (The Secret Meditation II by Kelly Howell) that repeated, among other things, that "help is speeding its way to you!" And it was soon thereafter that I discovered Dr. Sarno. |
Edited by - Effie on 09/22/2008 08:45:27 |
327 Posts |
Posted - 09/22/2008 : 09:27:32
I'm a Christian too, and believe trying my best to live as one, and agree that fear, anger, resentment, envy, jealousy, holding grudges, and worry and feelings of guilt all cause stress which leads to body illness and or pain. Also I feel being a passive agressive person can cause problems (which is me), I am working on being more assertive.
I do believe living like a Christian brings blessings to our lives, but I know a lot of Christians that still come down with illness and pain symptoms.
I think sometimes that people that just don't give a hoot , are laid back and do whatever they please, even if it is hurting or taking advantage of others , lying or stealing, and not feeling the least bit of quilt about it probably do best in the no pain department, but they also tend to be substance abusers too. |
490 Posts |
Posted - 09/22/2008 : 10:17:02
Thanks, Paul.
The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale is an oldie but a goodie too. I'd call it spiritual -- not specifically religious. Always good reminders I'm finding as I re-read it.
I have found there is a spiritual component to my emotional and physical healing.
-Lori |
Edited by - mizlorinj on 09/22/2008 10:18:59 |
386 Posts |
Posted - 09/22/2008 : 11:21:06
Agreat supplement to Henry Wright's book is Art Mathias's Biblical Foundations of Freedom. |
327 Posts |
Posted - 10/08/2008 : 06:16:10
Paul- I got the book, he really explains how stress and emotions really affects the body in an easy to understand way. I'm a Christian (Catholic) and I believe the the Bible so for me I found it very worthwhile and believe it. It really says the same as the Bible says, and I found it helpful for Bible study, him pointing out the specific scriptures. Thanks for listing this book, as I never knew about it. |

134 Posts |
Posted - 10/08/2008 : 09:51:55
Isn't that book amazing? It goes into so much detail on all kinds of health issues and how the mind,body, and fear play into them. I thought people here, even if not super religious, would really benefit from it. |
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